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BOISE, Idaho-The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has thrown out the death penalty of Joseph Edward Duncan III, saying he should have been given a competency hearing before he was allowed to waive his appeal.

The appellate court handed down the ruling...

Alhambra police officer Ryan Stringer, 26

Alhambra police...

San Francisco's police officers union overwhelmingly accepted a deal Saturday that will allow them to receive past raises owed to them and avoid layoffs for at least a year while agreeing to pay more into their pension fund at an earlier date.

The deal,...

Officer Joseph Jarrett is practically a rookie. He hasn't had his second anniversary yet with the Los Angeles Police Department, and already he's being called a hero.


Carmageddon is just around the corner. Some commuters think they've figured a way around the 3-day closure...

Los Angeles County, Calif., has almost completely neglected to fund retiree healthcare benefits for public-sector...

William and Catherine, the stylish royal newlyweds, arrive Friday in Los Angeles, and officials are hoping to tame the aggressive behavior of the celebrity-hungry paparazzi.

For a variety of reasons both logistical and economic, law enforcement officials...


July 1 marked the start of a number of new state and local laws, many of which are aimed at improving safety.

Plastic bag ban

Large supermarkets and pharmacies in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County may no longer offer...


Echoing a national trend, attacks on police officers in Los Angeles are spiking dramatically this year, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said Tuesday.

Assaults on officers are up 42 percent from the same period last year, bringing the total to 97 attacks, Beck...

Los Angeles police, fire and transportation officials sought to assure people attending a 405 freeway closure meeting Thursday night that they were fully prepared to protect the public during the 53-hour closure in mid-July.

A unified command of public...

What will Los Angeles look like in five years? In ten or twenty? The answers may depend on some crucial decisions to be made at City Hall this month.

Like many American cities, Los Angeles is struggling with the effects of prolonged recession, and civic...

The state Department of Motor Vehicles has postponed sending notices to owners of vehicles with annual license registration renewal dates in July and August.

State officials said they have been waiting to see what happens with the state budget, and in...

U.S. vehicle thefts dropped to the lowest since 1967, falling for a seventh straight year as more cars were equipped with security devices and police tactics helped deter thieves, an insurance industry group said.

Thefts probably declined 7.2 percent...

A Los Angeles City Council stalemate over extending the city's contract for red-light cameras effectively ended the program.

Watch video report from ABC7.

The City Council...

The FBI has long been known for its straightforward "Just the facts, ma'am" approach, an image reinforced by Director Robert S. Mueller III's stoic presence and reluctance to court...


SAN PEDRO - Los Angeles Police Department officials said a rise in vehicle thefts took place across San Pedro from mid-May through the middle of this month.

During that time, 43 vehicles were reported stolen, mostly from the central and northern sections...

A red-light camera on the Westside. Credit: Glenn Koenig / Los Angeles Times

California law enforcement agents have seized 1,200 firearms from people who cannot legally own them because of mental illness or restraining orders.

However, Attorney General Kamala Harris said Thursday that more than 34,000 handguns and nearly 1,600...

In a move designed to prod negotiations with Los Angeles police and firefighters, the City Council gave preliminary approval Tuesday to an ordinance that would freeze health benefits of retiring workers.

The 11-2 vote advances a measure that caps...

Photo: Officer Kevin Sandoval when he was sworn in two years ago. Credit: South Pasadena Police Department

In Culver City last month, Zackariah Lehnen was charged with the murder of a young woman and an elderly man who were stabbed and beaten to death. In Los Angeles last July, Javier Rueda shot and injured two Los Angeles Police Department officers before he was...



Deputy Kurt Wyman

Deputy Kurt Wyman (...

The Los Angeles Police Commission has voted to kill the city's controversial red-light camera program, rejecting claims that the system makes streets safer while costing the city nothing.

Tuesday's vote means that the...

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