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The number of drunk driving-related deaths dropped to a record low in California in 2010, marking the largest single-year decline in DUI fatalities in the last 14 years, a new report says.

Alcohol was a contributing factor in crashes that killed 791...


So much for public safety.

Obedient as always to the will of his political masters, Chief Charlie Beck is moving rapidly to please the mayor's desire to all but halt impounding of cars of motorists driving without a license.

In a follow-up to the...

Photo: The covered body of gunman Tyler Brehm lies in the street. Credit: Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times
Emergency technicians at a crash in Abilene, Texas, on Thursday. Credit: Associated Press.
Photo:  Harry Morgan, left, and "Dragnet" co-star Jack Webb. Credit: CBS

The LAPD's auto unit at the Northeast Community station is recommending that resident not leave any valuables in their vehicles-including construction tools or equipment-to prevent their theft.

The advice comes in response to Patch's inquiry about any...

Trying to head off more layoffs of cops, San Jose's police union Wednesday tentatively agreed to continue 10 percent pay cuts for at least another year and a half.

The agreement most likely ends a dispute with city leaders that was just days away from...

In this age of perpetual campaigns, the Los Angeles Police Protective League is beginning to develop a grass-roots level of support for 2013 with a pilot program in three council districts.

Yard signs reading "Public Safety First," are going up in...

A state government report said on Friday that California's homicide rate fell by 7.8 percent in 2010 to the lowest level since 1966, in-line with a U.S. drop in violent crimes that researchers have attributed in part to better police work.

The nation's...

Michael Downing, Deputy Chief of LAPD

Michael Downing, Deputy...

An Apple iPhone. Credit: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

An Apple iPhone. (...


Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said he would stop 30-day impounds for first-time offenders and for those without a license, LA...

Steve Cooley

Steve Cooley (Pool / Getty Images)


State officials have decided to release a prisoner with a history of violent crimes to a local hospital over the objections of Los Angeles County supervisors.

The prisoner, who has not been named by county officials, is scheduled to be sent to Olive View...

Flickr CC/Channone Arif

(Flickr CC/Channone Arif)


State prisoners being paroled to Los Angeles County have more serious mental illnesses than anticipated, and about...

(credit: California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation)


The first month of Gov. Jerry Brown's prison realignment plan has been problematic in Los Angeles County, where understaffing forced probation officers to double their caseloads and sheriff's deputies were not given authority to arrest no-show parolees until...

ELK GROVE -- A California Highway Patrol officer was shot twice and wounded Sunday on a highway south of Sacramento, and moments later local police shot and killed the suspected gunman as he sat in his overturned car with two dogs, authorities said.


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