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Two consecutive meetings of the Police Commission have been halted in recent weeks due to protests. (credit: Ed Mertz)

The California Attorney General has acknowledged that the scope of Chuck Reed's initiative is to eliminate constitutional protection for the vested pension benefits for all current public employees, and subject their future salaries and benefits to a public...

With 23 shootings in a single week in South Los Angeles earlier this month, the Los Angeles Police Department saw its worst spike in violence this year. The casualties were counted and the cause is now under analysis.

To watch the ABC7 video...

A Los Angeles police officer was quick to act when he saw a patron in a restaurant choking, CBS LA reported.


Los Angeles city council members are debating controversial new gun law changes aimed at locking up handguns when they're not in use.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the...

The Los Angeles Police Department is launching a new foot patrol program in Chinatown, the first in the area in about a decade.

Click here to watch the...

A photo of 9-year-old Giovanni from his page.

The president of the Los Angeles police union denounced the commission's recent ruling that an LAPD officer acted out of policy in the fatal shooting of Ezell Ford. During his comments, LAPPL President Craig Lally called Ford a "known gang member," eliciting...

Police officers in Los Angeles are backing off the practice of community policing in the aftermath of the Ezell Ford case, a police union official said Tuesday.

Craig Lally, president of...


The Los Angeles Police Commission's recent findings on the shooting death of Ezell Ford may place future "proactive" police work in jeopardy, Los Angeles Police Protective League President Craig Lally said.


Some LAPD officers have told a union official they are less likely to pursue proactive policing as a result of the police commission ruling the Ezell Ford shooting was "out of policy," according to the president of the officers union.

"This is a tough...

On February 3, 2013, Monica Quan, an assistant coach at Cal State Fullerton and her fiancé Keith Lawrence were found shot to death in...

Kerrie Orozco. (Omaha Police Department via AP)


A still from the video that appears to show a man being shot by police in Los Angeles. Photograph: Facebook

The senior pastor of a prominent Los Angeles church has issued an apology after controversial comments during a sermon delivered weeks ago.

The apology by Pastor J. Edgar Boyd of the First AME Church may end weeks of tension over the remarks purportedly...


Los Angeles Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) officers Wednesday delivered 2,000 toys to youth patients.

The 20th annual holiday tradition began at 10 a.m. at the...

Proposition 47 by itself won't solve the problem of overcrowding in California's prisons. (AP/Spencer Weiner, Pool)

There's a real need to reduce California's alarming incarceration levels and free up precious funds that could...

One of two suspects who are accused of engaging police in a running shootout through South Los Angeles early Monday was armed with a...

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