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Feb 2011
City mourns death of decorated officer

As the investigation into Friday's tragedy reveals new details, the City of Poughkeepsie mourns the loss of a decorated police officer.

The death of police Officer John Falcone after he pursued a gunman who had just fatally shot his wife, shocked city residents, veterans of law enforcement and elected leaders. Falcone was described with love by those who knew him. Loved for his sense of duty, his compassion and selflessness.

In the hours before his death, he comforted a 92-year-old man who feared a burglar was at his door. He stayed with the man until family arrived.

Falcone's death rippled through the community that was riveted to the unfolding news of the shootings that left the officer and an estranged couple dead and three children orphans.

Friday offered another deadly example of the threat of domestic violence. In less than a year, Dutchess County has seen four women killed by domestic partners.

But amid the tragedy, there was a sign of hope.

A Town of Poughkeepsie man driving by the scene stopped to rescue the terrified 3-year-old girl who had just seen her mother shot by her father.

Like John Falcone, George Siegrist Jr. saw someone in need and stepped forward, without regard for his own safety.

Today, even as they mourn, City Poughkeepsie police continue to investigate the circumstances that took their friend and brother officer



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