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Sep 2009
Firefighter memorial planned for later this week

A memorial is planned later this week for the two Los Angeles County firefighters who lost their lives in the Station fire, an official said today.

The details have yet to be worked out but Capt. Roland Sprewell said it will probably take place Thursday or Friday at the command center at Hansen Dam.

"Nobody has forgotten the two guys, its been the talk around camp all morning," he said. "Still, we're trying to focus on the task at hand."

Capt. Ted Hall, 47, and firefighter specialist Arnie Quinones, 34, were killed Sunday when their truck fell 800 feet into a canyon.

Sprewell worked in the same battalion as Hall for three years and described him as a consummate professional.

"If I had to put it into a nutshell, wherever the action was, that's where Ted was," he said. "Every now and then, even the best of the best are the victims of tragic situations."



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