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Dec 2010
Funds pledged to fight gangs

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered a gift to anti-gang programs statewide Friday as he called for an end to the partisanship that has divided the nation.

Schwarzenegger announced his administration was providing $9.2 million to anti-gang efforts throughout California, including $1 million for Los Angeles.

With his term winding down, the moderate Republican also used the press conference to talk about the working relationship he developed with Democratic officials such as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster on issues including public safety, transportation, the economy and the environment.

"We don't look at party lines," Schwarzenegger said. "The mayor (Villaraigosa) is a Democrat, but the subject never comes up in any of the discussions we have. That's why we are able to work together. It doesn't make any difference.

"That's the very thing missing in Washington. If Washington would look beyond the party labels ... and look at what is in the best interest of the people, they could do 10 times what they do now."

Villaraigosa thanked the governor and said he found it bittersweet because of the positive relationship he has had with the governor.

"Sweet because ... the city of Los Angeles will be receiving $1 million to augment the $27 million we spend on (gang) prevention," Villaraigosa said. "Bitter because, we've done many, many press conferences over the years, whether it was for transportation funding, education reform, creating jobs or events like this."

Foster, whose city received a $369,00 grant from the Cal-GRIP program, echoed Villaraigosa's remarks.

"(Schwarzenegger) has been a tremendous supporter of law enforcement, a tremendous advocate and an ally for local government," Foster said.

Schwarzenegger is in his last month of office before he turns over the state government to Gov.-elect Jerry Brown.

The grants are part of the Gang Reduction and Intervention Project, which was started by Schwarzenegger to fight gang activity.

"Since we began this, there has been a 30 percent reduction in gang homicides," Schwarzenegger said. "We are creating a safer and more secure future for our state.

"This was the first coordinated anti-gang effort by the city. The gangs move around all the time and this was the first coordinated effort to combat that."

Guillermo Cespedes, director of the Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development program, said half of the money will go to the LAPD's Rampart Division with the rest used citywide.

"Rampart is one of the most densely populated areas and where there is a lot of gang activity," Cespedes said. "What we are doing is expanding our ability to respond to incidents."

Cespedes said Los Angeles is the only city where the police, gang intervention specialists and the Mayor's Office respond to all major incidents to try to prevent an escalation of gang retaliation.



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