Here's a quick message from the Los Angeles Police Department wishing happy holidays and a reminder to stay safe and don't become a victim of a crime.
Lock It: Lock your vehicle every time you leave it unattended and always lock your valuables in the trunk.
Hide It: If you don't have a trunk, hide valuables under the seats, in the glove box, or other compartments within the vehicle. Never leave valuables in plain view.
Keep It: Personal responsibility is the best prevention to safeguard personal property and to prevent you from becoming a victim.
Remember: Electronics' docking stations, GPS and GPS docking stations are prime targets for thieves. If you want to keep them, lock them out of sight. Do not leave them out. Do not leave phone or computer chargers in plain view. Prior to leaving your vehicle, place the chargers in the glove box or any other enclosed compartment.
When shopping:
At home:
Also: Drive defensively and remember, traffic is heavier during the holidays. Look out for drunk drivers!
If you see anything that you feel is suspicious, but not an emergency, go to It allows citizens to document suspicious activity quickly, easily, and anonymously.
In case of emergency dial 911. For non-emergencies, you may contact the Los Angeles Police Department at 1-877-ASK-LAPD (1-877-275-5273) or TTY 1-877-275-5273 for the hearing impaired.