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Dec 2009
LA County police to merge with Sheriff's Department

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors today agreed to merge county police with the Sheriff's Department.

Employees of the Office of Public Safety are responsible for security at more than 450 county facilities, including hospitals and parks.

Those employees will now have the opportunity to qualify as sheriff's deputies or work in non-sworn positions within the department.

County staffers indicated that the plan is to absorb existing county police staff into the sheriff's department, but they cannot guarantee jobs for all in the merger, planned to take effect June 30, 2010.

"The intent is that if a person is not qualified for a position as a deputy sheriff ... there may be an appropriate civilian position" offered, said Chief Executive Officer William Fujioka.

The Office of Public Safety is budgeted for 579 sworn officers and 140 support professionals, and oversees more than 800 contract employees. But only 76 percent of the positions are filled.

The Sheriff's Department plans to budget 694 new positions as part of the merger.

The county maintained that any county police officer who becomes a sheriff's deputy would be qualified for the job. Medical and psychological exams and background checks will be done.

An 80-hour orientation will help prepare newly sworn deputies. County police are trained on California Peace Officer Standards and Training at the Rio Hondo Community College Police Academy.

"We are not going to compromise the standards of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department," said Chief Executive Officer William Fujioka.

High vacancy rates have plagued the Office of Public Safety, and county staffers hope to improve retention through the merger.

County staffers said the consolidation also would:

-- improve accountability;

-- improve officer training, discipline and performance;

-- provide better management of operations;

-- eliminate duplicative administrative functions; and

-- centralize records to improve conviction rates.

The ongoing cost of running the security services through the Sheriff's Department are expected to be about $1.5 million higher annually. A one-time cost of about $20 million will also be incurred.

Sheriff Lee Baca has committed not to cut service to the county parks as a result of the merger, unless the county itself closes parks, according to Fujioka.

A merger of the safety and park police into the Sheriff's Department was considered in 1992 and again in 1997.

Supervisor Gloria Molina was the sole vote against the merger, approved 4-1.



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