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Jan 2011
LA prosecutor deals with budget cuts

LA City's top prosecutor says new budget cuts have forced him to close certain branch offices, which in turn, has caused LAPD detectives to spend hours driving to and from Downtown to get criminal cases filed.

Detectives based in the Harbor and the San Fernando Valley will be most greatly impacted and many officers say the change will take time away from criminal investigations.

"Downtown is now where all filing takes place," City Attorney Carmen Trutanich told KFI NEWS Monday, acknowledging the move will be an inconvenience for police.

"They cut me a million dollars in this comprehensive budget analysis, but it's going to cost more to comply with the cut that they gave me. It doesn't make sense!"

Trutanich said since he took office, he's saved the City millions of dollars by reducing the number of hours paid to outside legal firms and starting a first-ever, volunteer -- or reserve -- prosecutor program for new attorneys.

He said the latest budget cut, another $1-million reduction ordered last week, left him with no alternative.

"Somebody has to say - you know what - we've cut enough out of public safety. It makes no sense to have 10,000 police officers and not be able to complete a prosecution," he said.



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