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May 2010
LAPD criticized for closing four evidence rooms

The Los Angeles Police Department is closing four evidence rooms Friday, but data will continue to be stored at the department's 17 other stations.

Rooms at the LAPD's Newton, Wilshire, West Valley and North Hollywood stations are being shut down, police spokeswoman Officer Norma Eisenman said.

"Make no mistake about it, shutting down the four property rooms will adversely affect police services," said Paul M. Weber, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League.

The LAPD had no immediate comment on the closure.

"(Police Chief Charlie Beck) is in a tough position and does not want to take additional sworn police officers out of the field to backfill civilian positions," Weber said. "While closure of the property rooms will keep police officers on the streets, it will also force officers to drive to other police stations to book and retrieve property. That extra time driving and standing in line with officers from other divisions will waste precious patrol resources in the impacted communities."

The Los Angeles City Council voted Monday to continue hiring officers to maintain the current level of just under 10,000 officers.

However, overtime costs will be compensated with days off instead of cash. Union officials said this will result in the equivalent of about 286 fewer officers on patrol a month.

LAPD civilian employees could also be laid off as the city tries to reduce a $500 million budget deficit.



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