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Jan 2010
Park Named For Slain Swat Hero

The city of Los Angeles today renamed West Valley Park in Reseda after slain SWAT Officer Randal Simmons.

The name change was suggested by L.A. City Councilman Dennis Zine who represents Reseda where the park is located.

Zine originally led the move to rename the playground at the park after Simmons, but when he considered the late officer's committment to his job and the community, he felt just naming the playground was not enough.

"He was bigger than life," Zine told the dedication ceremony.

He added he'd told the Parks and Recreation Department, "let's do the entire park."

Simmons was the first SWAT officer to die in the line of duty. He was killed on February 7, 2008 in Winnetka. He and his partner weretrying to get a 20 year old gunman was surrender when both were shot. Simmon died. His partner, James Veenstra, survived.

Aside from his duties as a veteran SWAT officer, Simmons was also an ordained minister and he had been instrumental in developing programs to steer at-risk youths away from gangs.

Today, his widow Lisa Simmons described him as always wanting to help people. She thanked the city for renaming the park, adding "I know Randy is looking down. and smiling and couldn't be happier because this is a park where children will come and play, families will gather and people will jog. They'll see his name and know this is a great man."



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