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Apr 2010
Richard Drooyan appointed to L.A. Police Commission

A former counsel for the panel that investigated the infamous 1991 Rodney King beating became the newest member of the Los Angeles Police Commission today.The City Council voted unanimously to confirm the appointment of former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Drooyan.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa nominated Drooyan to replace Andrea Ordin, who left the Police Commission in January after being named counsel for Los Angeles County.

"I have a long-term interest in law enforcement as a result of my background with the U.S. Attorney," Drooyan told the council. "I've worked with local and federal law enforcement for over 14 years.

"I've also been involved in some of the reform efforts and I have a long-standing interest in the Los Angeles Police Department and the progress that's made and the reforms that have been instituted," he added. "I look forward to having the opportunity to serve on the commission."

Questioned by the council about the LAPD's budget crisis, Drooyan said, "The critical mission we have going forward is to make sure that we are operating the department as efficiently and effectively as we can in this day of limits."

Drooyan has been a litigation partner at the law firm of Munger, Tolles & Olsen since 1999. Prior to that, he was Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Central District of California from January 1997 to December 1998.

Drooyan served as counsel to the Christopher Commission, which investigated King's beating by LAPD officers, and to the Rampart Independent Review Panel, which looked into the Rampart Division corruption scandal, in 2000.

He graduated from Harvard Law School and Claremont Men's College.

The Police Commission is a five-member civilian panel whose other members are John Mack, Alan Skobin, Robert Saltzman and Debra Wong Yang.

All are mayoral appointees who are not compensated for their service. They each contribute about 20 hours a week on police-related matters and may serve a maximum of two five-year terms.



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