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Feb 2011
Jack Humphreville, the self-proclaimed LA Watchdog, does not like our December 22 blog, “Pension holidays aren’t just ‘ancient history.’” In his latest CityWatch rant, Jack is upset with many facts and issues we raised. Let’s take apart...
Feb 2011
Like most of our fellow Angelenos, we’ve been sitting on the sidelines over the years watching and listening to proposals for developing a world-class football stadium and bringing an NFL franchise back to Los Angeles. And now, we’ve...
Jan 2011
We were as surprised and outraged as everyone else by the revelation that the Los Angeles School Police Department officer’s story of being shot by an unknown assailant may have been a hoax. Stenroos’ story triggered a sizeable manhunt and...
Jan 2011
As City leaders consider the consequences of Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, it behooves them to remember that government’s top obligation is public safety; their actions should reflect that. Recent gains in public safety have not...

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