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May 2010
Several members of the LAPPL Board were proud to attend last Thursday’s 49th Annual Medal of Valor awards ceremony, when the LAPD presented its highest and most prestigious award to 17 of its finest at the Grand Ballroom at Hollywood...
May 2010
Much of the debate currently raging over Arizona’s new law, which directs law enforcement officers to investigate the immigration status of people who have been legally stopped, misses the point. Opponents fear the law will become an...
May 2010
We don’t wish to be alarmists, and we hope our concerns turn out to be unfounded as the year progresses, but it is a bit unsettling today to find Los Angeles on a short list of cities reporting increases in murders so far this year. The...
May 2010
We applaud the election of Alan J. Skobin as vice president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners. Skobin, who is now in his second term, was first appointed by Mayor James Hahn in 2003 and reappointed in 2005 by Mayor...

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