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Feb 2011
SEIU 721 Opposes LAPPL on major issues at expense of own membership

Somewhere in the budget process a line was drawn between sworn and civilian and it hurts employees on both sides.

Los Angeles Public Library

Los Angeles Public Library

Service Employees International Union has decided to not only back the Measure L library campaign but it's work-site organizers accuse the LAPPL of opposing the measure because "it will only help the police department".

I am saddened to say that SEIU 721 has lost common sense this election season, first failing to take members desire to challenge Bernard Parks seriously waiting until other major unions invested heavily in the challenger before making a move then followed by actively supporting the Library measure Measure L which will directly hurt it's very own members. That is not my opinion, that is a fact;

Passage of Measure L will result in

  • Increase via Charter change the amount of the General Fund budget it is allocated. It takes limited funds and reduces those funds to other general funded departments.
  • It Will directly lead to more animals being euthanized - Animal Services
  • Less Potholes Fixed & less Streets repaved. - Street Services
  • Significantly reduce 911 operators, Detention officers, and Police officers to respond to emergencies and protect life and property.
  • It could result in further closures of Fire Stations by LAFD.
  • Less building inspectors to conduct investigations.
  • The list is endless of the general fund positions which could be dramatically affected by this measure with an overwhelming amount of those classifications represented by SEIU 721, council staffers and the CAO have clearly said as much.

    Los Angeles Library deserves it's fair share of funding, but not mandated by charter change and not at the expense of other vital city services.

    The list of those in favor of the measure, the LA City Council, could have chosen to increase the budget of the library, they chose not to and now claim to support the measure.

    Against the Measure the Los Angeles Times, the League of Women Voters and scores of other groups who see this move as negative approach to the LA City budget.

    Libraries are a vital part of Los Angeles, it is up to the elected officials to determine the amount of the budget to allocate to each department.

    As a vital part of the community, if children are to afraid to walk to the library because of the gangs or the roads are to impassable one can't drive there, their benefit is lost.

    SEIU 721 should worry less about the business of the LAPPL and what they support and worry more about the members it is paid to represent.

    It is a disgrace to the rank and file members of the City of Los Angeles Unions.

    As we saw firsthand with the Detention & Senior detention officers this budget year it is really up to the employees in 721 to take action for themselves.

    We support both the LAPPL and the strong representation of it's membership as well as the Library department and their creative measures to protect it's members.



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