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Feb 2010
Beck has put "stamp" on LAPD during first 100 days

In his first 100 days as chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, Chief Charlie Beck says he has come to put his stamp on the agency as it faces its biggest challenge in years - maintaining public safety amid a hazardous budget climate.

Since his appointment by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in December, Beck said he's managed to cut $50 million in spending while maintaining the same number of sworn officers.

"It's been a good period, a busy period, and I hope we can continue as we have," Beck told the Police Commission.

In a report to the panel, Beck outlined efforts to reorganize the department by consolidating some command functions in the new office of Special Operations and reducing the number of divisions reporting to him from eight to six.

Also, he redeployed 122 officers, from the rank of lieutenant and below, to area divisions so captains there have more resources to fight crime.

Beck said crime has continued to drop during his first three months in office, with overall violent crimes down 13 percent and homicides down by 27 percent.

Within the department, Beck has created a Bias Policing Investigation Unit inside the Internal Affairs Division. Beck also has reached out to the officers on the street to explain his plans, working patrol shifts in Van Nuys, Southeast and Newton divisions and holding a meeting with all senior lead officers.

He has visited all 21 area stations and four traffic divisions and said he plans to work at least one patrol shift in the city each month.

"Chief Beck has made his first 100 days count," Villaraigosa said. "From day one, he has been working to tackle some of the department's biggest challenges. He has led the LAPD to achieve crime reductions, while working to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

"And most importantly, he has reinforced the department's commitment to working with the neighborhoods it serves."

Councilman Greig Smith, chair of the Public Safety Committee as well as a task force overseeing LAPD spending, said Beck has exceeded his expectations.

"He has been fabulous as chief," said Smith, who also works as a reserve officer. "Not only has he learned directly from the troops, he has gotten more than 100 officers off desk jobs and special units and put them back on the street. I argued with (former Chief Bill) Bratton about that for years."

Gerald Chaleff, who works on budget issues for the LAPD, said the department - like other city agencies - has an uncertain financial future.

"So far, we have been protected against any cuts in the sworn division," Chaleff said. "But that could change depending on the future budget issues."



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