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A man suspected of being a white supremacist gang member has been charged with possession of an improvised firearm similar to that used to booby-trap the front gate of the Hemet-San Jacinto Valley Gang Task Force in February.

Patrick Nugent Jr., who...

If you happen to be one of the countless numbskulls out there who text while driving and talk on cellphones without hands-free devices, too distracted to know red from green or fast from slow, I've got news for you, Cookie.

LAPD traffic officer Kamaron...

Los Angeles-area law-enforcement officials said that in the wake of Saturday's attempted bombing in New York, police had stepped up patrols around entertainment studios.


Miguel Olea held a 17-year-old girl in his room against her will for days, raping her repeatedly. The victim escaped on the third day, a Monday morning in San Bernardino County two years ago this month.

Olea was convicted of statutory rape and sent to...

A suburban St. Paul police officer was killed during an ambush Saturday morning, setting off a massive manhunt that ended with one suspect dead and another in custody, authorities said.


The Los Angeles Police Department says a key part of their preparedness against terrorism is community involvement through the iWatchLA program.

The LAPD knows that community involvement is key to keeping the city safe. That's why the department is...

Galvanized by Arizona's tough new law against illegal immigrants, tens of thousands of marchers took to the streets in Los Angeles on Saturday as the city led the nation in May Day turnout to press for federal immigration reform.


A federal appellate court on Friday rejected the Schwarzenegger administration's attempt to rid itself of the court-appointed receiver charged with bringing prison medical care up to a constitutional standard.

The record of the protracted class action...

It was among the most routine of calls - a complaint about a parked car playing loud music late at night.

But that call Thursday night ended in the first line-of-duty death of a Lexington police officer in more than two decades.

Officer Bryan J....

A question was posed to me: "How can a cop tell if someone might be an illegal alien?" To which I answered, "There are some no one could spot, and there are some just about anyone could spot."

There are some, in fact, even a blind person could spot. If...

Authorities arrested 596 illegal immigrants with prior criminal convictions in a three-day sweep across the Southeastern United States this week, the nation's top immigration enforcement officer said Friday.

Most of them will be deported, though 22 may...

California moved a step closer to resuming executions Thursday when corrections officials announced new lethal injection procedures, beating a May 1 deadline by one day.

The proposed changes in the death chamber procedures, though mostly minor, are...

State lawmakers moved Thursday to repeal much of a new program that allows the early release of county jail inmates.


California should improve its monitoring of sex offenders, rethink restrictions on where they live and find a better way to evaluate their likelihood of committing new crimes, according to a state panel that investigated the case of an ex-con who pleaded guilty...

With as many as 100,000 people expected to convene downtown Saturday to rally in support of immigrant rights, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck went out of his way to make clear that his officers are guided by a different set of rules than the controversial...

Turbulent events in California nearly two decades ago have helped create the conditions for the current backlash against illegal immigrants in Arizona.


The Republican race for attorney general has so far consisted mostly of an ill-informed, ideologically driven dissection of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley's approach to prosecuting criminals under California's three-strikes law. Cooley's critics,...

Probably no other police chief stood up for LAPD officers quite like Daryl Gates. That became clear the first time I saw him confront a scandal. It was 19 months before he became police chief and my first year on the police beat for the Valley News, which later...

No question: California public employee pensions are a big problem - especially for Democratic politicians.

Republicans pound them on the issue, claiming it's emblematic of the majority party's extravagant spending and subservience to patron labor unions...

Thousands turned out Tuesday to mourn Daryl F. Gates, the venerated and controversial chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, who was remembered for the huge imprint he left on the LAPD and a fierce devotion to his officers even in the face of harsh...

Child homicides in Los Angeles County soared 31 percent and suicides jumped 70 percent from 2007 to 2008, a troubling trend that experts say may be a consequence of the economic downturn.

The annual report released today by the Inter-Agency Council on...

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, there are 36 known prostitution operations in the San Fernando Valley. Law enforcement in the Valley, including the Burbank Police Department, has decided it is time put an end to one of society's oldest...

A tough new Arizona law aimed at rooting out illegal immigrants is reshaping the arguments used by the Obama administration and congressional Democrats in support of a sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration system.

White House officials say the...

Inside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck paid tribute Tuesday to his deceased predecessor, Daryl F. Gates, the 49th chief of the Police Department.


Ian Deutch survived a recent tour of duty in Afghanistan, identifying Taliban targets for artillery strikes. But he didn't make it through his second day back on the job as a rural Nevada sheriff's deputy.

Deutch was gunned down Monday by a man wielding...

No doubt many Los Angeles city agency managers have written letters to council members beseeching them to spare their departments deep cuts during this budget crisis.

But few start with a story about police officers in a standoff with three strapping...

Questioning the revenue projections in Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's proposed $6.7 billion budget, a city panel on Tuesday rejected the spending plan and asked for more details.

The Budget and Finance Committee refused to open budget hearings until it has...

Kristtina Ripatti

(Photo by...

My most recent column here on Pajamas Media concerned former Los Angeles Police Department Chief Daryl Gates, more specifically the editorial published in the Los Angeles Times on the occasion of his death last Friday. Gates was, to understate the matter...

Labor unions have long accounted for the Democratic Party's ground troops in political campaigns. Their ability to reach members and get workers to the polls has been part of the reason Democrats have enjoyed such electoral success in California over the last...

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