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Keionta Hayes, 12, stands before a memorial of candles in the 10500 block...

Charles Samuel, 50, is accused of kidnapping and killing the teen in July 2009. A coroner's official testifies that Burk had wounds all over her body, indicating she struggled with her attacker.


When you look at the history of homicides over the past 20 years, the results are staggering. To mention a few examples, homicides in New York City have dropped well below 500 per year, compared to more than 2,200 in 1990. In Chicago, which had more than 900...

About 260 inmates were released yesterday in San Diego County as part of a plan to reduce California's prison population by 6,500 inmates this year.

Under the new regulations put in effect Monday, low-risk offenders will not be regularly supervised by a...

Los Angeles police today announced the arrest of a 57-year-old parolee believed to have committed more than a dozen robberies in Los Angeles and Kern counties attributed to the "fake mustache bandit."

James Brammer, who was paroled last April after...

After years of wrangling, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday approved a medical marijuana ordinance that slaps tougher restrictions on pot clinics and will likely shut down hundreds of dispensaries across the city.

The 9-3 vote drew loud protests...

In a four-page review, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office said today that lawmakers should reject Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed ballot measure to dedicate more money to public universities than prisons.

"It is an unnecessary, ill-...

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's suggestion on Monday to build a prison in Mexico raised several questions, not least of which was how many illegal immigrant inmates in California actually have Mexican citizenship.

Schwarzenegger's suggestion drew a response...

A parole hearing is scheduled Wednesday for "Onion Field" killer Gregory Powell, who was convicted of murdering a Los Angeles police officer south of Bakersfield in 1963 after abducting him and his partner.

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, which...

The correctional officers' union has mounted a public relations campaign about inmates released early from the Fresno County jail, right as county supervisors are expected to take up the issue.

Service Employees International Union protested layoffs of...

Workers in the troubled Los Angeles County Probation Department have spent several days wondering who is in charge of the department after receiving conflicting messages from management.

As relations continue to sour between outgoing Probation Chief...

OPTIONS: Some urging that city use outside firms to help with backlog.

With the Los Angeles Police Department facing a growing backlog in processing rape kits, a Los Angeles city panel Monday pushed for new ways to speed DNA...

The attorney for the defendant in a handgun case concedes that a tape showing a license plate on the accused's car is a fraud. Police had pulled his vehicle over for lacking a plate.

It was meant to be a smoking gun: A grainy...

The state began reducing its prison population by 6,500 inmates Monday as part of a new cost-saving effort that also includes removing supervision for more than 7,700 parolees in Los Angeles County alone.

The state legislation that was passed last year...

A wave of higher pension costs is hitting California's three major coastal cities, prompting proposals to shore up future budgets with ballot measures in Los Angeles and San Francisco and eroding progress in San Diego, once dubbed "Enron by the sea."


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger floated a different approach to trimming down California's bloated prison budget on Monday: pay Mexico to build new prisons and ship off California's incarcerated illegal immigrants south of the border. The Republican governor has...

The state's controversial plan to reduce its prison population by 6,500 inmates over the next year begins today, with victims and law enforcement groups once again warning it will increase crime.

"We are concerned for the public's safety," said Christine...

The Radio and Television News Assn. has handed out its Golden Mike awards for broadcast excellence for 60 years now, bestowing the latest hefty golden trophies at a dinner ceremony Saturday evening in Universal City.

Among the winners: the LAPD's media...

The devices were called for after the Rodney King beating, but various chiefs and mayors failed to follow through. Testing is of a system is finally underway, but technical glitches snarl the effort.

Nearly two decades have passed...

Times are tough, but funding the Police Department should remain a priority.

The Los Angeles Police Department is the city's largest cost center and has been growing, as Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has worked to increase the...

State Controller John Chiang issued a stern warning Friday about California's cash reserves, telling legislative leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger they must act on nearly $9 billion in budget cuts the governor is seeking by March - or the state will run...

A judge has rejected director Roman Polanski's bid to be sentenced in absentia in a three-decade-old child-sex case.

Judge Peter Espinoza ruled that Polanski, 76, will have to come back Los Angeles to be sentenced.

"I have made it clear he needs...

Two Los Angeles public officials are backing a bill that would resurrect a state law struck down by an appellate court that made it illegal for violent felons to possess body armor.

The proposed law is "an essential tool in...

City officials plan to shed 1,000 jobs to patch a nearly $200-million budget gap. But the mayor wants to replace departing LAPD officers.

Even as city officials plan to shed 1,000 jobs to patch a nearly $200-million budget gap,...

With city officials declaring that "bankruptcy is not an option," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released a long-term plan for the city's finances Thursday, including several billion dollars in potential savings and possible layoffs of 1,000 workers.

In a...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and City Council leaders have begun laying the groundwork for the elimination of at least 1,000 more jobs by July 1 in an attempt to eradicate a budget shortfall that has now ballooned to nearly $200 million.


The pensions and health care of millions of retired government workers is coming under increasing scrutiny in cash-strapped California, not only by the governor and lawmakers looking to erase red ink, but at the ballot box in form of proposed initiatives.


A driving rain hit parts of San Pedro on Tuesday, flooding out streets and homes where police officers had to pull people to safety.


California will begin to reduce its prison population by about 6,500 inmates over the next year under a state law that takes effect Monday.

The bill was signed as part of last year's state budget package. Under it, early release credits for inmates who...

This district's Court of Appeal has rejected a conservative legal group's request to force the Los Angeles Police Department to comply with state law requiring the Department of Homeland Security to be notified of the arrest of non-citizens for certain drug...

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