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By Peter Hecht
[email protected]

Emerging from a tense meeting with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a group of California mayors warned Tuesday that they may have to lay off police officers and make...

Hundreds of city workers and supporters marched to City Hall today to urge the City Council to drop plans to force civilian employees to take 26 furlough days to help offset a $529 million budget deficit.

Chanting slogans and carrying signs that said "A...

Forty people were arrested in a planned gang bust by LAPD officers at an upscale nightclub in Studio City early Thursday morning.

Police at the scene confirmed a violent South L.A. gang known as the "Rolling 60's" rented out the Platinum Club on the...

The union that represents the Los Angeles Police Department rank-and-file announced today that it has launched a public relations campaign aimed at maintaining full funding for the force.

As part of the campaign, dubbed "Public Safety First," the Los...

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa returned to Sacramento on Tuesday for the second time in three weeks, leading a delegation of mayors trying to block state legislators from taking local funds.

At the same time, hundreds of city workers descended on Los Angeles...

It was a Monday morning, May 5, 2008, and Los Angeles Police Officer Hayley Smith and her partner, Officer Vincent Rojas, were just a few hours into their day. After assisting an LAPD SWAT team at a crime scene near Topanga Canyon Road, they were driving back...

Suspicious car fires or arson rise 27% in the first quarter compared with a year earlier as owners seek a payoff.

Reporting from Sacramento - Motorists unable to afford payments on pricey cars and gas-guzzling sport utility vehicles in...

Los Angeles Police Department officials will have to wait another week before making their case that the department no longer needs the federal government acting as its big brother.

A hearing scheduled for today was postponed until next Monday by U.S....

Despite assurances that policing in the cash-strapped city will not be scaled back, the Police Protective League has mounted a campaign to generate public opposition to LAPD furloughs.

The PPL sent an e-mail to 400,000 registered voters, asking them to...

A hearing at which attorneys for the LAPD planned to ask a federal judge to end the consent decree under which the department has been under federal oversight since 2001 has been postponed, but police Chief William Bratton says he's confident the decree will be...

As a wide-ranging LAPD injunction restricts gangs on their own turf, seeds of opportunity are taking root in an area that has long felt marginalized.By Scott GoldJune 7, 2009 The boys had made no effort to hide the shotgun, so it was found,...

In sitting down to write this column, I had what we might call a Groundhog Day sensation, as though I've been here many times staring at the blank screen only to have the same words and arguments come to mind.

Well, what else can a cop do? When the ACLU...

The Los Angeles Police Department has spent hundreds of millions of dollars fulfilling the requirements of the federal court order imposed in the wake of the Rampart scandal.

The agency has built a system to monitor officer interaction with the community...

A veteran Los Angeles police detective was arrested Friday in the 1986 Van Nuys killing of her ex-boyfriend's wife, cracking a cold case packed with the love-triangle twists and forensic drama of a television cop show.

Stephanie Ilene Lazarus, 49, of...

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signed a $7 billion city budget Tuesday that calls for 1,200 layoffs, unpaid furloughs and a freeze on police expansion in the next fiscal year.

The budget includes money to replace up to 480 police officers who are lost...

A $7.01 billion budget calling for layoffs and furloughs of thousands of workers, but characterized as a work in progress, was signed into law Tuesday by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

"Our work on this budget is far from complete," Villaraigosa...

Leaving the Department of Motor Vehicles office in Canoga Park Tuesday, 20-year-old Alex Martinez was ecstatic, having just passed the written portion of the state's driving test.

On his seventh attempt. "I'm not good with tests," says Martinez, a dog...

By Tim Eavenson

Last week, I posted a summary of a LERA presentation on the benefits of private equity firms using labor pension funds to invest in struggling businesses.

One of the upshots discussed at the lunch was that the pension funds had...

Harvard University study released Friday of the Los Angeles Police Department found the department greatly improved since corruption scandals forced it under a federal consent decree in 2002.

The Kennedy School of Government's study, which was...

Searching for a serial killer who has stalked South L.A. for decades, LAPD detectives were surprised by DNA evidence tying a string of 1970s Westside slayings to 72-year-old John Floyd Thomas.

By the time homicide Det. Dennis Kilcoyne met with Diane Webb...

The police magnets require four years of phys-ed classes far more demanding...

Philibosian and Hertzberg tapped to head transition team

Los Angeles City Attorney-elect Carmen "Nuch" Trutanich Friday named former chief deputy district attorney Curt Livesay as his chief deputy and former Assistant U.S. Attorney William...

A Claremont resident on Thursday was one of 25 Los Angeles police officers who received the department's highest honor. Sergeant Christopher Gomez was awarded the Medal of Valor for displaying exceptional heroism in 2007 when he rescued a man from a burning...

The Medal of Valor recognizes officers who display extraordinary courage under difficult - often life-threatening - circumstances. This year saw the highest number of female recipients so far, five.

The Los Angeles Police Department on...

The economy is a wreck, and crime is down. Does that mean hard times and lawbreaking aren't linked?

Two weeks ago, L.A. crime statistics came out for the misery-filled first 4 1/2 months of 2009, and they were, to me, a weird ray of sunshine.


As the Los Angeles Police Department enjoys a resurgence of its public approval, one of the key factors has been a sharp increase in the diversity of the force, to nearly match the texture of Los Angeles itself.

A Harvard University study released last...

Under the threat of a lawsuit that it almost certainly would have lost, the city of Los Angeles nine years ago entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice that required the Police Department to embark on an ambitious program of reform. The...

Local officials have vowed to fight a proposal by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to shave $1 billion from the state budget by shifting 23,000 state prisoners to overcrowded local jails during the next three years.

"This presents a serious danger to public...

As an investor in the company that now owns The San Diego Union-Tribune, the union that represents Los Angeles police officers is demanding the ouster of the newspaper's editorial page staff.

The Union-Tribune's editorial page, says the Los Angeles...

The governor and legislators are going back to normal today with their posturing and pretenses as if voters hadn't just slapped them in the face and kicked them in the groin over their pathetic ballot propositions.

In LA, the City Council will operate in...

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