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The proposal also calls for postponing raises for thousands of workers to balance the budget without layoffs or closing City Hall twice a month. But one union threatens a court challenge.

The Los Angeles City Council voted Friday to move...

Once seen as the model of public employee labor sophistication and clout, California's prison officers union is struggling amid the state's financial meltdown and a sour relationship with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The California Correctional Peace...

Jobs are being lost in Los Angeles.

The film industry is leaving Los Angeles at an alarming rate. Filming has declined steadily from its high in 1996, fueled by the incentives offered by nearly a hundred cities, states and countries that are eager to...

Department Once Plagued By Accusations of Corruption and Brutality

The Los Angeles Police Department, long a poster child for police brutality and corruption in America, is turning around.

A new Los Angeles Times poll shows...

Sheik Qazi Asad prays five times each day. The Pakistani-born immigrant, who is now a U.S. citizen, first got involved with law enforcement after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, working with the Sheriff's Department.

Police leaders hope that...

Well, let's call it partly politics and partly law enforcement, with some union advocacy for seasoning. It's the new blog of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, which posts today regarding Mayor Villaraigosa's...

LANSING - About 100 Michigan State Police troopers will be laid off Sunday after a last-ditch effort to avoid the job loss failed.

Members of the Michigan State Police Troopers Association voted against a furlough plan that would have temporarily cut...

Police chiefs have warned that cuts proposed to balance the state budget will leave Californians less safe.

That's probably true. In an effort to help fill a $24 billion deficit, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed releasing some low-level offenders...

Reporting from Sacramento - A key strategy in Los Angeles' battle against street gangs - the use of court injunctions - has come under attack by state lawmakers who are moving to strictly limit it.

The state Senate has approved a measure that would allow...

Los Angeles County's top prosecutor has warned that a budget proposal by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would so weaken court sentencing guidelines that if a swindler such as Bernard Madoff were to be brought to justice in California he would not face state prison...

A judge will decide next week whether to lift a federal monitor's oversight of the Los Angeles Police Department. The consent decree that put the monitor in place came after the Rampart Scandal 10 years ago.

L.A. Police Chief...

Los Angeles robbery and homicide division have taken over the investigation into Michael Jackson's death.

The King of Pop has died at the age of fifty in a Los Angeles Hospital after an apparent heart attack.

But Lieutenant Greg Strank says their...

By David Zahniser

Hoping to avoid layoffs and furloughs, a new plan would cut pay raises for two years to employees and offer retirement to some.

June 23, 2009

Looking to avoid the need for layoffs and...

Steve Greenberg was inspired by today's Los Angeles Times Poll...

The city's police force is enjoying high public approval levels, according to a newspaper poll published Monday.

The poll of 1,500 registered voters found almost eight in 10 said they either "strongly approve" or "somewhat approve" of the Police...

Voter approval of the Los Angeles Police Department is stronger than at any point in the last two decades, and the department has closed much of the gap between the views of whites and those of blacks and Latinos, according to The Times Poll of 1,500 registered...

The strong endorsement of the department, expressed in a June poll, cuts across racial and ethnic lines. Other aspects of life in the city do not fare so well.

Los Angeles police are riding a crest of goodwill that has pushed the department...

The City Council eliminates a provision in the 2007 moratorium that allowed outlets with pending applications to stay open. The city will continue to work toward a permanent ordinance.

The council now faces the daunting task of trying to...

The department has all but completed the necessary reforms and demonstrated it is ready to 'protect and to serve' all the people of Los Angeles.

It is time to end the 8-year-old federal consent decree that already has spurred the Los...

A state appellate court Wednesday upheld the validity of the LAPD's Special Order 40, the controversial policy that bans officers from asking the immigration status of crime victims and witnesses.

In affirming a lower-court ruling, the three-judge panel...

Preparations for a parade and rally celebrating the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA championship will continue today, while the mayor solicits private donations and the City Council debates on how to pay for the event.

Union officials representing Los Angeles...

Businessmen promise funds after criticism that city can't afford its share of $2-million celebration of NBA championship.

After a storm of protests opposing the use of public funds, two media executives and several other people stepped...

WASHINGTON - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder says California will receive $136 million in economic stimulus money to strengthen law enforcement programs throughout the state.

Agencies plan to use the money to reduce the flow of illegal drugs. Those...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa may be unwilling to totally kill off speculation he is going to run for governor. But a vote by the United States Conference of Mayors today suggests that he has other plans.

In the mayors' national convention in...

Jubilant fans poured out onto the streets of Los Angeles Sunday to celebrate the Lakers' title-clinching win over the Orlando Magic in the NBA Finals. But it didn't take long for the crowds to turn unruly, forcing the LAPD to go on tactical alert.


Woo hoo and congrats to the Lakers, bringing home the big trophy. What they've come home to [besides the cleanup from the deplorable ''celebration'' mini-riots on Sunday night] is a pretty vinegary debate about whether a city that's got a half-billion-dollar...

Despite the city's plan to split the cost of a parade honoring the NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers, the head of the union that represents LAPD officers criticized the expense again today, saying no public funds should be spent on a celebration when the city is...

Officials want residents whose vehicles are registered in other states to pay their fair share in licensing fees.

The California Highway Patrol is out to catch cheaters. The CHP is asking people to report those who drive around with out-of-...

California officially has a drop-dead date now. State Controller John Chiang told Arnold Schwarzenegger last night that the state has 50 days before it hits a financial meltdown. So in that time, it either needs a bailout, massive budget cuts, or a brand new...

The governor revokes the controller's authority to take out a high-interest emergency loan to keep the state running should talks fail. Democrats denounce his rhetoric.

Reporting from Sacramento - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday...

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