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If Proposition 32 did what supporters claim -- limit all special-interest money from corrupting the political system -- we would race to endorse it. It doesn't. It is a deceptive sham that would magnify the influence of wealthy interests while shutting out...


Police will show the public how to properly install a car seat on Tuesday as part of National Child Passenger Safety Week.

The LAPD's Valley Traffic Division will conduct a child safety seat presentation. For those parents interested, trained technicians...

Proposition 32 purports to be an even-handed attempt to reduce the influence of special interests in California. It is anything but balanced. The most telling way to assess the motive and the effect of this initiative is to follow the money.

The bulk of...

Organized labor's advertising offensive against Proposition 32 appears to be paying off.

According to a new statewide poll, 53% of likely voters say they support the November ballot measure that promises to eliminate special-interest money in politics, a...

CHP Officer Kenyon Youngstrom

CHP Officer...

Motorists bracing for Carmageddon II can get a little practice over the next two weekends, with briefer closures scheduled for a portion of the San Diego (405) Freeway.


WALNUT CREEK -- A California Highway Patrol officer shot during a traffic...

Against: It silences the voices of working people
Every so often in California politics, a ballot measure comes along that is so deceptive that it takes one's breath away. Prop. 32 is such a measure, one that would have a disastrous impact...

Proposition 32 on the Nov. 6 state ballot isn't what it appears to be.

"Fraud" and "sham" are strong words, but they come to mind when talking about this initiative.

For that reason, The Star recommends a "no" vote on Proposition 32.



It was Lyndon Johnson who best understood that the key to political empowerment for the disenfranchised was to give them access to the electoral process. That's why he made passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 his top priority.

But it's doubtful he...


A judge today consolidated for trial two lawsuits challenging the Los Angeles Police Department's recently modified policy for...

Labor unions are taking to the airwaves to fight Proposition 32, the November ballot measure that promises to eliminate special-interest money in politics.

Unions representing teachers, firefighters and state workers are airing statewide radio ads this...

Veteran traffic Officer Anderson Adren Boyce of the Los Angeles Police Department says he owes his life to police training and protective police gear.

Boyce, reached Monday afternoon at his home in Castaic, admits he's lucky to be alive after he was...

Max Hansen, the youngest son of Allison and Officer Grant Hansen of the LAPD's North Hollywood Division, was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor on May 6. Max is only 14 months old. It was completely removed by the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, where...


Going back 100 years ago, the thought of being able to talk to someone in real time through something like a telephone would have seemed like a task for the gods. But today, it seems that we now have phones that can do a lot more than just chat with friends and...

Stockton police officers and firefighters said they haven't been able to fill the gas tanks of their emergency vehicles because the pumps at their stations are empty.



LONG BEACH - Budget woes could result in the elimination of 40 police officer positions by this fall, including 20 gang enforcement assignments, at the Long Beach Police Department, the Press-Telegram has learned.

Long Beach Police Chief Jim McDonnell...

She was nowhere near the Century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado, early Friday morning. She didn't confront the killer or stanch any wounds or drive any of the injured to the hospital. She didn't wade through the wave of panicked, fleeing people to enter that...

In a reversal of recent trends and positive news for the law enforcement community, law enforcement fatalities declined significantly nationwide during the first half of 2012, reaching a 52-year low.

Fifty-three law enforcement officers died in the line...

 Rubble on the 405 freeway being cleaned up during Carmageddon I in July, 2011. Photo by Gary Leonard for Metro.

From Sunday, July 8 through Saturday, July 14, at least 33 vehicles in Northeast L.A. were broken into, according to a news statement issued by the LAPD Northeast Community Police Station on Monday.

Exactly a third (11) of the break-ins occurred during...

Under legislation that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law today, California motorists can dictate, send or listen to text-based messages while they're behind the wheel if they're using voice-activated, hands-free devices.

Brown's signing of...

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