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Here's a quick message from the Los Angeles Police Department wishing happy holidays and a reminder to stay safe and don't...

Seventy-two officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2011, compared with 56 from the...

Former Mayor Richard Riordan's plan to dramatically revise the city's three pension systems was developed without an actuarial study that would determine the costs of any new system.

Before any changes can be put in place, the City Charter requires "that...

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Former Mayor Richard Riordan today accepted a challenge from the city's police officers' union to a series of debates about the merits of his proposed pension overhaul, which could go before voters in May. Riordan's plan would shift newly...

Photo: Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan in July. Credit: Andrew Gombert / EPA

A stolen iPhone helped police track down a gang of robbery suspects involved in a crime spree in the Hollywood area Sunday night.


California voters on Tuesday rejected a ballot measure that would have repealed the state's death penalty.

Proposition 34 lost by about 6 percentage points, dimming the hopes of death penalty opponents who were trying to abolish the death penalty in...

California voters have reaffirmed their support for unions in defeating a provision that would have banned the way labor traditionally raises money to fund political activity.

The defeat of Proposition 32 became clear early Wednesday.

Business and...


As California struggles to meet a court-ordered reduction of its prison population, newly released figures show corrections officials overstated the number of low-level offenders eligible to be diverted to local jurisdictions as part of Gov. Jerry Brown's...


The Los Angeles Police Department and city of Los Angeles announced a $50,000 reward on Thursday for anyone with information...

The rate of California prisoners committing new crimes after release has continued to drop, according to a report released Monday by the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

The number of inmates who found themselves back behind bars...

Supporters of Proposition 32 claim that their campaign finance initiative "cuts the money tie between special interests and politicians." It's a lie. And an $11 million donation from a shadowy Arizona nonprofit illustrates why.

Proposition 32 would ban...

Deputy Juan Abel Escalante. Credit: L.A. County Sheriff's Department

The brutal beating of Brandy Marie Arreola - allegedly by a man released from jail just days before the attack - has become a key example for critics of a law shifting responsibility for thousands of convicted felons from the state to the counties in October of...

Brian Mulligan  Credit: Chelsea Lauren / Getty Images

Brian Mulligan...

There is a new twist in an increasingly bizarre case involving an encounter between a prominent investment banker and the LAPD.


As it turns out, transporting a space shuttle through city streets is a "Big Endeavour."

Space shuttle Endeavour, the...

If The Reporter Editorial Board had its way, political candidates and causes would be allowed to accept only those donations that came from an individual -- and even then, there would be a limit on how much they could receive.

The board shares...

A statue of a skier in Mammoth Lakes. Credit: Los Angeles Times.
Wilbert Matheney (Photo: LAPD)

A year into the implementation of Gov. Jerry Brown's public safety realignment, dozens of law enforcement officials from across Southern California came together Tuesday to express concerns about its impact on crime and on their scarce resources.


Proposition 32 claims to be a reform measure, a good-government proposal to rid state and local elections of the special-interest money that increasingly dominates in political races around the country.

But it isn't. In reality, Proposition 32 is a...