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Lawmakers and advocates for crime victims joined together Monday to file a lawsuit in San Diego challenging a new law that permits the state to set free up to 6,500 prison inmates this year before their original sentences are completed.

"Victims have a...

The Los Angeles Police Protective League and the Peace Officers Research Association of California announced today that they have endorsed Nayiri Nahabedian for State Assembly for the 43rd Assembly. The two organizations account for over 70,000 law enforcement...

Nine members of an anti-government militia that posted its warrior exercises on the Internet and allegedly plotted to kill police officers were indicted in Detroit Monday on conspiracy and weapons charges.


Major crime declined again in the South Bay and Harbor Area in 2009, dropping nearly 6 percent from the previous year.

The beach cities, however, did not fare as well. El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach joined Gardena as the...

Crime is up 13% at the Brooklyn precinct where a whistleblower cop accused his supervisors of ignoring felonies to artificially lower the area's crime stats.


By the time four city trucks were set ablaze next to Hemet City Hall last week, the police here had become familiar with their new life under siege.


City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana announced Sunday he has enrolled in an alcohol treatment center and is temporarily stepping down from his post.

"I do not know how long this stage of my journey will be," Santana said in a statement. "I...

A program that Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca championed three years ago to sharply reduce the early release of jail inmates by placing as many as 2,000 additional offenders on electronic monitoring at home has failed to make a significant dent in the...

Los Angeles' red-light traffic cameras are stirring new financial concerns at City Hall, just as a police study has concluded the program helps reduce accidents.


Seeking to reverse a steep drop in deportations, U.S. immigration authorities have set controversial new quotas for agents. At the same time, officials have stepped back from an Obama administration commitment to focus enforcement efforts primarily on illegal...

One of the Marines was a 19-year-old kid who could barely wait to graduate from Esperanza High School to join the military and eventually become a cop - just like his father.

The other was a seven-year active-duty veteran and high-ranking SWAT officer...

Turns out you can't do more with less.

Mayor Bloomberg admitted Friday the surprise uptick in murders could be linked to budget cuts that left fewer cops on city streets.


The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is planning to boost the electricity bills of its customers by 37% over the next four years as part of its effort to cover steadily rising costs.

Officials with the city utility divulged their plans Thursday...

All six counties showed moderate population growth from 2008 to 2009, with all but San Diego County growing at a stronger rate than the year before.

It's the latest sign that the region is recovering from the declines in population seen in the middle of...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's plan to boost rates at the Department of Water and Power has drawn an outcry from business leaders who fear that his promise to create "green jobs" will be accomplished at the expense of their own workers.

As he...

Four code-enforcement trucks were torched in the Hemet City Hall parking lot Tuesday, in a brazen attack that police believe is part of a shadowy but relentless campaign of violence against them.

"We are assuming, because of the timing, that this is...

A member of the Los Angeles Police Department's elite SWAT unit, who also served as a U.S. Marine, was killed Wednesday in Afghanistan by a roadside bomb, LAPD officials said.

Sgt. Maj. Robert J. Cottle, 45, was traveling with three other Marines in the...

Robert J. Cottle, a member of the LAPD's SWAT unit, is the first active Los Angeles police officer to be killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Cottle, 45, was a Sergeant Major with a United States Marine Corps Reserve battalion from Camp Pendleton. He was in the Marja...

Two Marines from California, including a Los Angeles SWAT team officer who was on active duty, were killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, officials said Thursday.

Sgt. Maj. Robert J. Cottle, 45, and Lance Cpl. Rick J. Centanni, 19, died Wednesday in...

Roadblocks have gone up behind the Hemet Police Department. Sidewalks outside have closed, blast-proof glass is going in, and $155,000 in barricades and fences are being installed. Linger out front too long and expect a visit from an officer monitoring...

A federal appeals court Thursday upheld strict parole revocation rules approved by California voters in 2008, overturning a federal judge's decision against Proposition 9.

Senior Judge Lawrence K. Karlton of the U.S. District Court in Sacramento had...

An initiative to legalize marijuana and allow it to be sold and taxed will appear on the November ballot, state election officials announced Wednesday, triggering what will probably be a much-watched campaign that once again puts California on the forefront of...

California lawmakers Wednesday criticized a corrections department policy of destroying parole agents' field notes a year after ex-convicts were released from supervision.

The policy caused an uproar after a convicted sex molester was arrested in...

California's budget crisis and overcrowded prisons have led to a new reality for thousands of convicted felons: Parole is getting a lot easier - no more random drug tests, travel rules or requirements to check in with an officer.

Restrictions have been...

The Arizona Legislature gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a proposal that would allow the police to arrest illegal immigrants on trespassing charges simply for being in the state.

The provision, which opponents and proponents call a first in the...

Los Angeles County is so broke that the sheriff is cutting costs by releasing hundreds of inmates from county jails early. Over the past three months, more than 350 inmates from the nation's largest county jail have been handed what amounts to a get-out-of-jail...

The billions of dollars that California pours into its troubled prisons - a number fattened by court-ordered medical spending and sky-high personnel costs - have become an increasingly attractive target for leaders desperate to trim the state's $20 billion...

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday ordered a thorough vetting of the troubled Probation Department, including written reviews of the agency's $700-million budget, internal affairs investigations and schools.

"The department has very...

Los Angeles Police officials say they began providing training on how to deal with people with autism long before two officers shot and killed an autistic man over the weekend.

LAPD officials say they began working with the Autism Society of America...

Existing high-quality research demonstrates that public investment in police can generate substantial social returns, according to a new study by the RAND Corporation.

The study shows how research on the costs of crime and the effectiveness of police-...

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