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More than a dozen Los Angeles courtrooms will be shuttered when layoffs for court personnel commence next month, officials said Monday.

Layoff notices for 329 employees are expected to be sent out Tuesday, said Allan Parachini, spokesman for the Los...

The board of California's giant public pension fund voted Monday to remove the limit on the number of shareholder proposals it can issue to companies in its portfolio.

Lifting the number of proposals its board can file each year means the fund's...

Warning to criminals: Rubbing out your fingerprints may no longer be enough. Your germs could still give you away.

It turns out the colonies of bacteria that live on people's hands are highly personal to each individual.

That means forensic...

It has been nearly five years since Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city of New Orleans. In that time, neighborhoods have been rebuilt, businesses reopened, and, perhaps most importantly, civic spirit reawakened. And, in what some believe was the very hand of...

The number of traffic fatalities on California highways continues to decrease, mirroring a national trend attributed in part to stepped-up traffic enforcement, anti-drunk driving campaigns and even the lackluster economy, officials say.

Nationwide, the...

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Monday nominated Sherman Oaks resident Richard Drooyan, an attorney with a long history of police reform, to the Los Angeles Police Commission.

Drooyan, 59, was a member of the blue-ribbon Christopher Commission formed to...

Last January, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation unveiled an overhaul of parole and rehabilitation programs to satisfy a court order to drastically reduce the inmate population.

Prison officials said the changes would prevent...

Cuts to ambulance service are on hold pending further study, but layoffs of child-care workers at city parks are moving forward. Library hours and service days are on the chopping block. DASH bus service may be cut back. City departments monitoring community...

LONG BEACH - The city celebrated the swearing-in of its new police chief Saturday, a chief who vowed to honor old traditions while looking for new ways to make a great police force even better.

"I plan to value tradition but not always be locked into old...

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca will not be opposed in his bid to win election to a fourth term, a department spokesman said Friday.

As of the 5 p.m. Friday filing deadline for the June 8 primary, no one other than Baca had completed the necessary...

Ford Motor Co. wants to remain the top gun in the U.S. police car market with a new cruiser due out next year, but its competitors are in hot pursuit.

Ford revealed its new Police Interceptor sedan Friday. The car, based on the Ford Taurus, will replace...

State corrections officials questioned Thursday claims by the L.A. police union that the recent arrest of a man with a long criminal history showed shortcomings in a new law designed to ease prison overcrowding.

Ezra Hooker Sr., who was arrested Jan. 5...

Many law enforcement officers called up to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan are bringing home heightened survival instincts that may make them quicker to use force.

Officers who spoke with The Associated Press and who responded to a survey by the...

During a week in which Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City Council pledged to keep movie and television productions from fleeing L.A. for cheaper locales, the Los Angeles Police Department announced it was transferring "several" employees from a film-permit...

The California Supreme Court decided Wednesday to review a state law that prohibits convicted felons from owning body armor.

An appeals court overturned the ban last year on the grounds the law was too vague.

State Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, whose...

The cash-strapped city of Los Angeles will hand out pink slips to 15 employees by the end of this week, it was revealed Wednesday.

They represent the first batch of 1,000 layoffs ordered by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa this fiscal year, which ends June 30...

With the city of Los Angeles facing budget shortfalls of almost $700 million over the next 16 months, officials Wednesday outlined expected service cuts ranging from fewer potholes filled and streets swept to fewer inspectors on duty.

Bill Robertson,...

The union representing Los Angeles police officers said Wednesday that a parolee with 19 arrests and four convictions underscores how laws meant to ease prison overcrowding could pose a serious -- and ongoing -- threat to public safety. Ezra Hooker Sr. was...

State prison officials, drawing fire for destroying the parole file of a man under scrutiny in the disappearances of two teenage girls, reversed their recordkeeping policy Tuesday on orders from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

John Albert Gardner III was...

Facing a shrinking number of options to close a budget gap that could grow to $600 million in the next fiscal year, the Los Angeles City Council is weighing whether to deactivate 10 rescue ambulances at night.

Council members postponed a decision Tuesday...

Los Angeles is struggling to raise money and cut costs to fill a $200 million budget gap that could force thousands of layoffs and drive the city into bankruptcy. But last week, the city decided to forgo $3.4 million in revenue as it slashed taxes for Internet...

Sheriff's deputies on Monday arrested a transient who allegedly tried to rob an off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer, whose personal property was stolen but eventually recovered, authorities said.

Matthew Huhta, 20, is being held in lieu of $50...

"I already didn't feel safe in my own neighborhood," says lifetime Sherman Oaks resident Ron Sorrentino. "Now this ... it's not good."

L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca released 343 nonviolent offenders from the county jail system this week, well before they...

A police officer killed in a shootout last month was hailed Monday as a public servant who put the safety of his country and community ahead of his own.

Thousands of family, friends and law enforcement officers from across the state gathered at the...

One division of the LAPD will have videocameras operating in patrol cars in April as testing continues to ensure the system will work without detracting from officers' duties, officials said Monday.

Senior lead officers have been testing the equipment...

More than 343 inmates have received early releases from the L.A. County jail system in the last six days, officials said Monday, up from about 200 reported last week.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department began early releases of some nonviolent...

California prison officials began touting a new public safety reform in January that would encourage inmates to complete a rehabilitation course and earn six weeks per year off a sentence.

Inside Folsom State Prison, though, inmates and instructors...

As state and local governments fight off potential bankruptcy, some officials are taking a new look at scaling back billions of dollars in pension benefits for public employees.

The issue has daunted government officials in California for years, as the...

Los Angeles Superior Court officials informed employees Friday that 329 of them will be laid off on April 1 because of the ongoing budget crisis.

A memo from Executive Officer John Clarke said as many as 1,800 more positions will be lost to layoffs and...

At least 200 inmates received early releases from the L.A. County Jail system this week amid a new round of cost-cutting that is expected to soon slash the time many other criminals serve behind bars.

Sheriff Lee Baca said Thursday that budget cuts have...

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