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Aug 2010
Missing 13-year-old found in good condition

A missing 13-year-old San Fernando Valley girl was found tonight, about an hour after police held a news conference about her disappearance.

Karina Valencia was located Wednesday about 7 near Glenoaks Boulevard and Oro Grande in Sylmar by officers from the Mission District who were looking for her.

Police saw the girl in the front seat of a vehicle look at them and then quickly duck down in her seat, trying to conceal herself, said Officer Karen Rayner of the LAPD's Media Relations Section.

The officers thought that was odd and noted that her physical description matched that of the missing girl.

The car was stopped and it was determined she was the missing girl.

She was taken into the Mission Station as was the driver, a 20-year-old man.

The girl appeared to be in good condition and plans were made to reunited her with her family Wednesday night, Rayner said.

Detectives are continuing their investigation. It is not clear what, if any, crime the driver will be charged with.

At Wednesday's news conference, Capt. William Scott, commanding officer of the Mission Division, said police were concentrating on a report that Karina had run off with someone she met online.

Karina has last been seen Saturday at a friend's birthday party in the 14800 block of Polk Street at or near where someone with a .20-gauge shotgun opened fire, wounding several juveniles and at least one adult.

Flanked by detectives who had investigated the case and members of the girl's family, Scott said the investigation had not turned up a connection between the party and the fact that the girl was missing.



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