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Jun 2010
Retired LAPD officer puts her spin on AIDS/LifeCycle

Personal trainer and cycling instructor Marcella Piersol, left, a regular contributor to the Daily Breeze Health section, will participate in her first AIDS/LifeCycle ride beginning Sunday. The retired LAPD lieutenant will send updates from the road, as she travels 566 miles over seven days from San Francisco to Los Angeles. To see how she's doing, go to

Marcella Piersol will be riding in the AIDS Ride in June, which makes it way over 500 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles. The ride raises money for AIDS research.

Marcella Piersol will be riding in the AIDS Ride in June, which makes it way over 500 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles. The ride raises money for AIDS research. (Steve McCrank/Staff Photographer)

During my 22 years with the Los Angeles Police Department, I had the opportunity to participate in and coordinate, as team captain, the LAPD women's long-distance relay squad. In that capacity, I managed and oversaw a group of female officers who traveled nationally and internationally competing in relay events.

In addition to my running background, I weight-trained throughout my career as a police officer to maintain my strength and to meet the physical challenges associated with my profession. In 2005, I added a cycling component to my fitness routine and began competing.

As I became more involved in the cycling community I established a personal and professional relationship with Steve Bowen, owner of PV Bicycle Center in Rolling Hills Estates. While riding with Steve on several long-distance training rides he mentioned that he had participated in the AIDS/LifeCycle ride and that I should consider it too.

Based on his input, and the fact that the event raises money for a very worthy cause, I accepted the challenge and have spent the last six months preparing for the ride. To give you an idea of what that has involved, here's a look at my weekly training program:

Core conditioning: Running approximately 22 miles per week.

Cycling: 130 miles per week.

Strength Training: Regular leg and upper-body work.

Interval workouts: Running and cycling.

Recovery day: Walking.

I recognize I am in a unique position of having the time, the resources and an extensive background in physical fitness to accomplish this ambitious training program. But I feel it is incumbent upon everyone to establish some form of training program and to take steps to improve their health and quality of life.

I hope my participation in the ride will serve as a positive example and will encourage others to become more physically active and participate in community events that emphasize health and fitness.

On the web

Find out more about the AIDS/LifeCycle ride at

Rider Wes Daniel will be tweeting during AIDS/LifeCycle at

Sponsor Wes Daniel at">.


What: "The Fire Within," a documentary that offers a glimpse into the life of AIDS survivor Bob Bowers and the daily struggles he faces. It also shows his wife's support for him as she participates in the AIDS/LifeCycle ride.

When: Premiering at 8 p.m. Sunday.

Where: Documentary Channel.



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