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Aug 2012
The following article by Jack Dunphy was originally posted on on August 27, 2012, and is reposted here with his permission. Oh how comforting is the mantle of victimhood, how rosy and flattering is the light that so often...
Aug 2012
A former Los Angeles police chief once observed, “Police work is not always pretty. But in my 36 years of law enforcement, I've learned not to make a judgment until I have all the facts.” Chief Bratton’s comments echo our views regarding...
Aug 2012
Photo by Lawrence K. Ho (Los Angeles Times) Last week, the jury in a federal civil rights case came to a swift and correct decision on who was responsible for the death of Manuel Jamines; it was 37-year-old Manuel Jamines. On September 5,...
Aug 2012
We’ve used this space on at least three occasions in the past two years to warn of the dangers of pushing Americans out of traditional defined pensions and into 401k plans. Our point has been that reliable and secure retirement incomes...

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