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Aug 2011
Many Californians remember with distaste the corrupt Texas energy company Enron, which in 2000 masterminded California energy shortages and blackouts, and shut down pipelines to manipulate the energy market. Now, a former Enron trader who...
Aug 2011
A lot has changed in our country since the morning of September 11, 2001; the most noticeable being tightened security at American airports and borders, and a decade of military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. Through all of it, members of...
Aug 2011
We’ve recently learned of plans under consideration that disregard the safety of Californians to such a degree that not only is greater attention warranted, but a prompt explanation is necessary. The Sacramento Bee reports that the state...
Aug 2011
Crime fighting takes many forms. Patrolling neighborhoods to deter criminal activity and making arrests when crimes do occur are a big part of the job. But increasingly, efforts are underway through community-based policing programs to...

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