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Feb 2011
In a city with serious financial shortfalls, there’s no doubt that tough decisions have to be made. That’s what the Los Angeles City Council members have been elected to do - make those tough decisions in the best interest of the people...
Feb 2011
In four weeks, the Solano State Prison parole board will meet to decide on Voltaire Williams’ request for parole. Back in 1989, Williams was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiracy in the brutal 1985 ambush and...
Feb 2011
Some self-styled experts are suggesting the replacement of public pensions with 401(k)-style retirement plans as one solution to municipal and state budget shortfalls. But recent facts and figures show why this is a non-starter. A study...
Feb 2011
Protecting public safety is just one of the many ways LAPD officers serve the community. Last year, officers held their 10th annual “Angels Community Book and Toy Drive,” they participated in several blood drives, and they stepped into the...

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