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Jan 2011
Why do otherwise reasonable individuals – despite evidence to the contrary before them – become reflexively critical of police, jumping to the twisted conclusion that an officer’s life faces less danger from an unarmed suspect than when...
Jan 2011
Why do otherwise reasonable individuals – despite evidence to the contrary before them – become reflexively critical of police, jumping to the twisted conclusion that an officer’s life faces less danger from an unarmed suspect than when...
Jan 2011
NPR reporter Mandalit del Barco’s recent story, “Finance Probe Raises Ire Among Some LAPD Officers” is wrong when it comes to the Rafael Perez scandal. Del Barco claims, “Rafael Perez was the central figure of the 1990s LAPD corruption...
Jan 2011
In the wake of the Reginald Doucet Jr. shooting, some community members have asked how it is legal for a police officer to use deadly force against an unarmed man. Police officers have a difficult job that becomes even harder when a...

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