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Dec 2011
On October 1, 2011, protesters encamped on City Hall’s front lawn and declared themselves part of the national Occupy movement protesting income inequality and corporate greed. City leaders promptly welcomed the Occupy L.A. protesters with...
Dec 2011
More officers and better policing. That’s what a Los Angeles Times editorial stated recently as key reasons why L.A. is a much safer city today. The editorial, “L.A.'s triumph over crime,” makes the irrefutable case for full funding of...
Nov 2011
Most people I speak with are unaware of the prison realignment plans being implemented by the state of California that disregard the safety of Californians and warrant a prompt reevaluation. In addition to cuts to local public safety, the...
Nov 2011
Surprise, surprise. Some of the so-called “low-risk, nonviolent” inmates being sent to county jails are turning out to be far more dangerous than touted by advocates of prison realignment. What went wrong? For starters, only the inmate’s...

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