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Jul 2012
We would like to believe that it is a genuine commitment to putting public safety first that has given L.A. a national ranking it can be proud of. In calling Los Angeles the “safest big city in America,” Chief Beck cited crime statistics...
Jul 2012
It comes as something of a relief that recent trends in law enforcement fatalities were reversed nationwide in the first half of 2012, even as we continue to mourn the 53 officers who died in the line of duty. The news came Thursday as the...
Jul 2012
Dramatically overstated “unfunded liabilities” of public pension systems are a cornerstone of the arguments used by public-pension opponents. They deliberately and drastically lower the amounts of money public pensions can expect to...
Jul 2012
On Oct. 15, 2008, a U.S. Postal Service letter carrier flagged down two police officers working the Olympic Area transition team. The mail carrier had been hit in the head by Romeo Ramos after requesting that Mr. Ramos sign a certified...

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