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Feb 2012
Once again, a driver with a suspended driver's license, whose vehicle was returned to her by the California Highway Patrol, continued to drive and subsequently killed several people. On Friday, Feb. 3, at the corner of Florence and...
Feb 2012
The Los Angeles Police Protective League’s objections to the latest proposed changes to the LAPD 30-day hold policy are twofold: the Chief’s proposal does not conform to state law and unlicensed drivers are unsafe drivers. Unlicensed...
Feb 2012
Once again, a ballot initiative purporting to curb the influence of unions and corporations on elected officials has qualified for California’s November ballot. The initiative, pitched by proponents as the “Stop Special Interest Money Now...
Feb 2012
It turns out that its pension funds performed well enough last year to save the City $90 million in anticipated contributions. The cries of alarm from self-proclaimed experts looking to eliminate public pensions have been inversely...

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