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Sep 2011
For several months we’ve been calling attention to the shocking disconnect between declining crime statistics and increasing assaults on police officers. The problem is growing more acute. The most recent statistics released show that...
Sep 2011
The City has a serious liability problem and urgently needs better risk management. In the last fiscal year alone, it has paid out $45 million in liability claims and a total of $140 million in Workers’ Compensation claims. About half of...
Sep 2011
For law-abiding citizens, these are tough economic times. But for convicted killers serving time in California prisons, it’s a time for optimism. Ian Lovett of the New York Times reported from Los Angeles that the state has upheld 207 of...
Sep 2011
A recent legislative hearing in Sacramento focused on the death penalty and its implementation costs. Ventura County Star writer Timm Herdt reports that no one at the hearing was able to answer a key question: Why are other states like...

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