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Jul 2011
An L.A. Times news story today backed up our most recent post, which highlighted one of the major impediments to implementation of the death penalty in California: 9th Circuit judges who are basing their decisions not on the law but on...
Jul 2011
In a predictable but no less galling move, death penalty opponents are seizing on the current state fiscal crisis as the latest reason to end the death penalty in California. Having failed to convince the U.S. Supreme Court that the death...
Jul 2011
Many people around the state have been concerned because their vehicle registration tags expire in July and they haven’t received their registration renewal notices from the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you’re one of those motorists,...
Jul 2011
In a disturbing disconnect, violent crime in Los Angeles is down 10.3 percent and property crime has declined by 7.9 percent, but it’s becoming more dangerous to be a police officer in this city. Chief Beck reported this week that assaults...

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