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Jun 2011
It seems like a triple witching hour for public safety in California. Instead of fixing the serious problems at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), the state is giving up and dumping the parole supervision...
May 2011
We have long warned that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s (CDCR) troubling non-revocable parole program for “low risk offenders” would be a disaster. Law enforcement’s input was arrogantly ignored by CDCR, and...
May 2011
Coming on the heels of the City Council’s decision to further cut police resources in Los Angeles, Monday’s Supreme Court decision sets up a perfect storm for a wave of crime to overtake recent gains in public safety. The court, in a 5-4...
May 2011
While it’s hardly surprising to hear politicians say one thing but do another, it’s unsettling to see these contradictions happen with public safety. Some elected officials in Los Angeles may claim that public safety is a top priority, but...

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