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Oct 2010
The audits coming from the office of City Controller Wendy Greuel these days paint a dismal picture of the city government’s ability to manage its finances. While this would be unacceptable in the best of economic times, it is particularly...
Oct 2010
Apparently, Jerry Brown isn’t the only one who doesn’t understand why he did not get the endorsement of the Los Angeles Police Protective League. In the taped message he inadvertently left on a Protective League answering machine, Brown...
Oct 2010
It is counterintuitive that in this challenged economy, applications to join the LAPD as police officers are down by 30 percent. As reported in the LA Weekly, only 9,232 people applied to become LAPD officers last year compared to 13,202...
Sep 2010
“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” The Los Angeles Times would do well to consider that famous quotation of former United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in reviewing...

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