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Feb 2011
Hollywood Hills mansion where firefighter died declared a crime scene

The Hollywood Hills house where a collapsing ceiling killed a firefighter has been declared a crime scene, police confirmed Thursday.

The 12,500-square-foot home in the 1500 block of North Viewsite Drive is surrounded by yellow crime tape, with a police cruiser parked in front to bar access to the property without police permission and supervision.

"It has been declared a crime scene," said Officer Diana Figueroa of the Los Angeles Police Department. "It's an active criminal investigation at this time."

Firefighter Glenn Allen, 61, died last Friday of injuries he sustained when a water-soaked ceiling collapsed during a Feb. 16 blaze. Investigators believe the ceiling filled with water when the plastic pipe connecting a sprinkler system melted.

[Updated at 7:54 a.m.: David Lara, a spokesman for the city's Building and Safety Department, said last week that investigators hoped to have preliminary findings sometime this week on whether design and construction issues might have had anything to do with the ceiling collapse.]

KTLA-TV Channel 5 reported Thursday that the recently rebuilt home was intended for use in a reality show for German TV starring Heidi Klum in a knockoff of "America's Next Top Model."



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