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Oct 2010
Villaraigosa says city to target domestic violence

Citing his own childhood experience with domestic violence, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced Wednesday a beefed-up effort by the LAPD to address the issue.

Villaraigosa and Police Chief Charlie Beck said the LAPD will assign a lieutenant in each of the LAPD's 21 stations to be responsible for dealing with domestic violence cases. The department will also work with local organizations to provide assistance for victims.

"I know what it is like to be 4 or 5 and helpless when you see your mother being beaten," Villaraigosa said during a news conference. "I couldn't do anything to stop it then, although I did later."

Last year, the Los Angeles Police Department responded to more than 48,000 domestic violence calls - a figure Villaraigosa said represents only a fraction of the actual cases.

"We know there are times out there where families are being abused, but no one is making the call for help," Villaraigosa said.

Beck noted that cases have dropped 6.5 percent since last year, which he believes is related to increased attention to the issue.

During the news conference, Villaraigosa announced that the city is again partnering with Verizon to set up donation centers for used cell phones. The phones are either reconditioned and resold to customers - with the proceeds going to shelters - or they are provided to victims.



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