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Sep 2010
Police protests draw modest crowds downtown

Protests against the police killing of a Guatemalan day laborer continued Saturday when a smaller-than-expected group of demonstrators marched downtown and in the Westlake area, accusing the Los Angeles Police Department of brutality and harassment.

Carrying signs likening police to pigs, murderers and the Ku Klux Klan, about 200 protesters marched on the LAPD's Rampart Station. Demonstrators, who had been expected to turn out in the thousands, later converged on MacArthur Park but no arrests were made during Saturday's protests.

In angry and tearful speeches, protesters called for police to suspend Officer Frank Hernandez without pay pending the results of an investigation. Hernandez reportedly fired the shots that killed Manuel Jamines, who police say was drunk when he lunged at them with a knife after threatening passersby.

But some witnesses claim that Jamines was unarmed at the time of the shooting.

"They killed this guy in cold blood," said protester Francisco Juarez, who made vehement thumbs-down gestures toward officers lined up behind glass doors at Rampart Station, which had been cordoned off with yellow police tape.

"We're here to say that the Guatemalan and Central American community have suffered years of police abuse at the hands of the LAPD," said Carlos Montes, an organizer with the Southern California Immigration Coalition, which represents about 80 organizations.

"This is an exposure of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, an exposure of (Police Chief Charlie) Beck," Montes said. "They are trying to cover this up."Montes said his group had expected several thousand people to participate.

Beck, who has faced criticism from the Westlake community for his defense of Hernandez's actions, promised to fast-track an investigation into the shooting. Villaraigosa also defended the officers, calling them heroes.

"It is unfortunate that our society has come to the place where a lawful command from an officer goes ignored," said Paul Weber, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, in a statement. " ...When an armed individual refuses police orders to end the threat they are posing to the safety of officers and the public, they are subjecting themselves to the consequences of their actions, which may include being shot."

A smaller group, comprised of about 100 protesters from Answer LA, marched on LAPD headquarters and City Hall.

"We need to put pressure on police and politicians," said organizer Stevie Merino. "Because ultimately, the community is not going to keep taking the murder of one of our community members."

Marchers also called for the district attorney's office to file murder charges against Hernandez and used the chance to call for immigration reform to stop raids in migrant communities.

"Manuel Jamines is not going to be put to rest without people demanding a proper investigation," said Celina Benitez, an organizer with the Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. "Immigration shouldn't be used to determine whether they have human rights or not."

The protest, which ended around 1 p.m., remained peaceful, said Officer Rosario Herrera of LAPD Media Relations.



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