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Jun 2010
LAPD Cancels Plans To Send Officers To Arizona

The Los Angeles Police Department this week quietly canceled longstanding plans to send four officers to a training conference in Tucson next month, apparently in deference to the City Council's economic and travel boycott of Arizona, according to the union that represents L.A. police. The Los Angeles Police Protective League criticized the move, stating on its website that, as a result of the cancellation, "symbolism instead of public safety is going to be the guiding principle for the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Police Department."

Earlier this week the council debated a motion by Councilman Greig Smith that would have allowed the employees to travel to Arizona despite the city's travel ban. Some council members expressed opposition to the motion. The council put off its vote until Friday, but now it appears to be a moot issue.

States the LAPPL:

This week, the council took up the issue and then delayed making a decision by suggesting that private donors pay for the trip. Before the issue could be decided and donors secured, the LAPD suddenly decided to cancel the officers' training, despite prior approval and long history of attendance.

Apparently, the LAPD command staff decided that it should spare the City Council the embarrassment of voting on this issue. By placing political correctness above public safety, the Department did itself no favors.

... The decision to boycott Arizona was a political one by the City Council. The LAPD did their officers and the residents of Los Angeles a great disservice by jumping into the political arena to try to spare councilmembers from addressing a consequence of their prior vote.

The city's boycott was inspired by Arizona's controversial immigration law, which encourages police to check the immigration status of people they stop who are believed to possibly be in the country illegally.



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