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Dec 2009
California high court's LA office will close

The California Supreme Court's Los Angeles clerk office will close at the end of the year for "budgetary reasons," Chief Justice Ronald M. George announced Monday.

"The Supreme Court regrets making this decision, but it is important during tough economic times to carefully scrutinize the court's filing practices and procedures and find cost savings and efficiencies where possible," George said.

"I give many thanks to our Los Angeles employees who staff the clerk's office for their loyalty and dedication to excellent public service," he added.

The office, staffed by three clerks, is located in the Ronald Reagan Building at 300 South Spring St. Its last day of operation will be Dec. 31.

Starting Jan. 1, all documents must be filed directly to the Clerk's Office at the court's San Francisco headquarters at the Earl Warren Building, First Floor, 350 McAllister St., San Francisco.



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