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Nov 2009
LAPD Graduates 42 Officers

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Police Department graduated 42 new officers at a morning ceremony in Elysian Park today.

Former Chief William Bratton made it a mission to diversify the force when he took charge in 2002. During his tenure and before his recent departure, he took pride in stating that the department now looks more like the city of Los Angeles than it did before he arrived.

The Nov. 6 class seems to bear that out. According to a release provided by the LAPD, the class contains 36 men and six women. It is comprised of 23 Hispanics, 13 Caucasians, two African Americans, two Koreans, one Filipino and one other Asian.

Graduating officers have completed 912 hours of training over the course of 24 weeks. The graduates include two officers for the Los Angeles World Airports Police Department.



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