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More than 800 law enforcement agents swooped down on a massive human smuggling ring in Arizona early Thursday morning, delivering a "stunning blow" to a criminal network that helped shuttled illegal immigrants all around the country.

Thursday's strike is...

A report says California wasted at least $13 million last year through inefficiencies in the way it delivers drugs to prison inmates.

The report by David Shaw, the inspector general for the state corrections department, says many costly prescriptions are...

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's threat to shut down city government two days a week because of a looming shortage of cash fizzled when city officials suddenly discovered an additional $30 million in property taxes.

Nevertheless, Los Angeles'...

The Los Angeles City Council has approved hiring 90 new police officers now in the police academy in order to maintain the force at its current staffing level.

Police Chief Charlie Beck told the council Wednesday the new hirees would replace officers...

A somber procession on Tuesday morning snaked its way through downtown Los Angeles as thousands honored LAPD SWAT Officer Robert J. Cottle, who was killed March 24 in Afghanistan while on Marine Corps Reserve duty.


Community activists and civil rights groups are urging the mayor of Los Angeles to revoke a permit allowing a white supremacist group to hold a weekend demonstration at City Hall.

Danielle Heck, a spokeswoman for the groups, said Wednesday the groups...

California is changing how it applies a new law allowing some parolees to go unmonitored after their release from prison, and will return 656 of the parolees to active supervision after learning they are at high risk of committing new crimes, prison officials...

California prisoners, unlike law-abiding citizens, have a guaranteed market for the products they make behind bars: State agencies are required by law to buy them even if private workers can make them cheaper or better.

That monopoly is coming under fire...

Thousands are expected to converge on downtown Los Angeles early Tuesday to honor LAPD Officer Robert J. Cottle, killed March 24 in Afghanistan while on Marine Reserve duty.


The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and federal immigration authorities have another tool to keep dangerous criminal immigrants off the streets.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers on Tuesday began using information-sharing technology...

Arizona lawmakers on Tuesday approved what foes and supporters agree is the toughest measure in the country against illegal immigrants, directing local police to determine whether people are in the country legally.

The measure, long sought by opponents...

The Hemet City Council approved an emergency measure Tuesday to fortify city buildings in response to a series of attacks against police officers in recent weeks.

The resolution allows the city to begin awarding no-bid contracts to "harden" areas at City...

A former counsel for the panel that investigated the infamous 1991 Rodney King beating became the newest member of the Los Angeles Police Commission today.The City Council voted unanimously to confirm the appointment of former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney...

It's a dark and breezy night. A stranger follows you, echoes of his footsteps mingling with far off traffic. A driver passes but doesn't stop to help. At last, an oasis: You duck into a brightly lit Los Angeles Police Department station for safety. Alas, there'...

A long-delayed Los Angeles County effort to combat gang violence is set to begin in May, officials said.

The $1.1-million initiative is much smaller than what was initially envisioned in 2007 -- a Marshall Plan-style effort to tackle Southern California'...

David Crane is an unserious man with a serious purpose -- attacking public employees and public employee pensions, as he did in his April 6 Times Op-Ed article, "The $500-billion pension time bomb."

Crane repeatedly asserts the grossly misleading claim...

As world leaders gathered Monday in Washington, D.C., to discuss the threat of nuclear terrorism, local officials said they are gearing up for an exercise in June that simulates the detonation of a 10-kiloton nuclear device in Los Angeles.

Mike Contreras...

After renowned attorney J. Tony Serra spent nine months in a federal prison camp for not paying his taxes, he calculated how much he was paid for watering the camp gardens - 19 cents an hour - and thought it might violate a U.N. standard that says inmates...

On a Wednesday morning last month, Nicole Clements walked into her Sacramento parole agent's office about 9:40 and signed a one-page document.

The "Notification of Non-Revocable Parole Requirements" spelled out the rules for the 37-year-old Clements, who...

Aware of the challenge but committed to their cause, Kelly and Brent King on Monday launched the campaign to pass "Chelsea's Law."

"We must demand nothing short of swift and decisive action for all of our children," said Kelly King, the mother of slain...

An East Bay police chief will be in Sacramento on Wednesday to advocate for a bill that would crack down on the "open carry" movement, in which gun enthusiasts say they're exercise their Second Amendment rights and protecting their personal safety by carrying...

Worried about the city's ability to get through the rest of the fiscal year, a Los Angeles City Council committee recommended Monday that the Los Angeles Police Department immediately stop hiring new officers.

On a 3-1 vote, the Budget and Finance...

Amid concerns homicide investigations were being delayed due to a tight budget, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said Monday he will deploy more officers to perform investigative and emergency functions, but reduce other services that are not considered critical to...

In January, Los Angeles Police Det. Nate Kouri was ordered to stop working.

One of the LAPD's most productive homicide investigators sat idle for six weeks, unable to follow any leads on old cases or pick up new ones. Kouri was not being punished for...

Police recruiting classes this past winter in Alameda and Contra Costa counties included many typical candidates.

Former military members. Criminal justice students. Recruits already sponsored by a law enforcement agency.


So, you're the mayor of the nation's second-largest city and you just threatened to shut it down two days a week to try to save enough money to meet your payroll.

While that immediate threat has passed, what do you say to residents in your annual State...

Unions pushed heavily for the raises, saying public employees had been ignored during previous, leaner years.

In the city of Sacramento, the average pay of public safety employees grew 50% during that time frame, to $82,897, according to the city's...

A 'scared straight' program at Los Angeles schools is whipping at-risk children into shape.

At one of the locations children between the ages of 9 and 17 are taking part in a 12 week boot camp at Fremont High School. The camp called the Juvenile Impact...

Los Angeles police said Friday that they are searching for a 28-year-old suspected gun dealer in connection with the massacre of four men at a San Fernando Valley restaurant.


The union that represents Los Angeles police officers says the number of civilian vacancies in the LAPD means officers are increasingly being diverted from the streets to perform administrative duties.


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