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As many as 20 people stood by and watched for nearly two hours, Richmond police say, as others gang-raped a 16-year-old girl outside a high school homecoming dance in the tough San Francisco Bay area community last fall.

Now, state legislators are...

Despite his claims, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa does not want to shrink the city government. Instead, he wants to dupe taxpayers into letting him sell valuable public assets to private interests. L.A.'s citizens must not let Villaraigosa and the...

A deputy chasing a wrong-way driver was killed in a crash Sunday after his patrol vehicle hit a bridge abutment and plunged down a freeway embankment, San Diego County Sheriff William Gore said.

Deputy Ken Collier, 39, died at a hospital shortly after...

For two decades, Los Angeles built libraries with a vigor rarely seen in the nation, spending $335 million to get books and computers within the reach of those who might not otherwise have them.

Now, it's getter harder to get inside the buildings.


Los Angeles' increasingly dire financial health raises serious doubt about the once sacrosanct pledge to keep LAPD's ranks at the current record high of just less than 10,000 officers. Now, many city officials acknowledge that the Los Angeles Police Department...

Despite reassurances from state officials that the thousands of inmates due to be released early from prisons will be low-risk offenders, Glendale and Burbank authorities say the state is abdicating its duties, forcing their officers to act as parole agents....

The headline was, as headlines ought to be, an attention-grabber: "Deputies chasing armed suspects ordered to be more cautious." Some questions immediately came to mind: If one is the cautious type, why would he have chosen to become a sheriff's deputy in the...

Los Angeles County authorities on Thursday announced an electronic system for sharing information on suspected child abuse among social workers, police agencies and prosecutors, a move they said would reduce the number of abused or neglected children whose...

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck is vowing to make his department more responsive to the rights of cyclists, responding to growing complaints from bikers who say the city isn't doing enough to protect them from careless and aggressive motorists.

Beck made his...

It might not have a soul or emotion, but the Los Angeles Police Department's latest toy, a Remotec Inc. "Telehandler," could probably give Robocop a run for his money.

The robot, essentially a Caterpillar mega-fork-lift that can be operated remotely, was...

Fresno County Sheriff's Deputies are still on the scene of an officer-involved shooting in Eastern Fresno County, which killed one officer and injured three others Thursday morning.

The shooting occurred around 9:40 a.m. at a residence at 18276 E. Kings...

Los Angeles City Council members voted today to put $12 million of their so-called discretionary funds into the emergency reserve, but it represents only a portion of the money that the mayor has asked them to turn over.The City Council's 15 members agreed to...

The rubber is starting to meet the road as the city works to solve a $212 million budget deficit. Los Angeles police Chief Charlie Beck already warned that overtime cuts would mean about 600 less officers on the streets for an already stretched-thin department...

A backlash over an Oregon law that allows inmates to trim as much as 30 percent from their sentences via expanded "earned-time credits" shows some political pitfalls when policy changes open prison doors earlier, reports California, Colorado,...

The Central City Police Boosters held its annual Police Recognition Day Luncheon and Awards Ceremony today, honoring officers and civilian staff who helped improve public safety in Downtown Los Angeles.


An off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer died Thursday evening and three other people were injured in a vehicle collision in Diamond Bar, authorities said.

The accident occurred about 5:30 p.m.on Grand Avenue near Longview Drive. The officer's...

The gang enforcement unit in the desert city of Hemet was on high alert Thursday after a bizarre booby trap sent a bullet whizzing past an officer in what authorities said was the second attack in two months at a building used by the task force.

The gang...

Raymond Chavez sat down at a legal clinic at the Midnight Mission on skid row Wednesday afternoon with two jaywalking tickets in his hand.

Chavez, 56, who is homeless, said he didn't have the cash to pay the citations when they were issued last year and...

Despite their full-throated support for cutting public employee pension costs, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the leading GOP candidate to replace him, Meg Whitman, have backed away from supporting a ballot measure that would do just that.


The last of the nation's top financial credit agencies took action Tuesday to lower Los Angeles' bond rating, which will likely cost the city millions of dollars more when it borrows in the future.

City Administrative Officer Miguel Santana said the...

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislative Democrats are backing an $811 million cut to prison medical costs in 2010-11, contained in a bill the Legislature sent the governor Monday. Democrats have included that cut as part of their $5 billion budget solution...

Moved by teary testimony from workers fearing job losses, the Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday asked staff to look into cutting the value of all city contracts by 10 percent and consider whether municipal employees could do some of that work.


Reporting from Washington - As the House on Tuesday approved "Billy's Law," a bill designed to aid families searching for missing loved ones, Janice Smolinski had more than a casual interest.

Her son, Billy, for whom the legislation is named, disappeared...

Los Angeles County courts are facing a crisis that not only threatens justice in our communities, but also threatens to upend the economic recovery of families in our region.

Without immediate action, the crisis within the Los Angeles County court's...

In his first 100 days as chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, Chief Charlie Beck says he has come to put his stamp on the agency as it faces its biggest challenge in years - maintaining public safety amid a hazardous budget climate.

Since his...

In efforts to salvage as many jobs as possible, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wants all city employees to take pay cuts.With the city council bluntly announcing that 3,000 jobs would be cut in addition to the 1,000 that are already being removed,...

A federal law taking effect Monday may alter the standard checklist for many Americans as they pack to visit their national parks: insect repellent, snacks, hiking boots . . . double-barreled shotgun.

Visitors now can pack heat in any national park from...

As city officials grapple with Los Angeles' budget crisis - a $212 million deficit now and an additional $484 million next year - no one has been talking much about the elephant in the room.

The soaring costs of employee pensions.

City Councilman...

From all appearances, the proposals to reform the public employee pension system through California's initiative process are grass-roots efforts short on bodies and cash.

Marcia Fritz, a reform activist proposing two measures, said she was hoping for...

Eyeing annual savings of up to a half-billion dollars, the Los Angeles City Council asked Monday for a report on a proposal to consolidate the city's myriad computer operations in one agency.

Similar plans have been proposed over the years, but council...

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