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Long Beach's new Chief of Police will be officially sworn in March 13.


In the continuing effort to reduce city costs, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is expected to announce plans today to fold the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment into another city agency.

A recommendation to the mayor on Sunday calls for placing the...

in a sprawling city like Los Angeles, crime still clumps together. Mathematical models of burglars presented here today at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (which publishes ScienceNOW) show that these so-called crime...

There is a new move in Sacramento to exempt county jails from an early-release law designed to ease overcrowding at state prisons.


Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Friday called on all city employees to take pay cuts, including police officers and firefighters, saying that it would be the only substantive way to alleviate the need to slash 4,000 city jobs.


Under the threat of a credit rating downgrade, the Los Angeles City Council on Thursday instructed agency heads to eliminate 3,000 additional city jobs before July 1 "by any means necessary, including layoffs."

The reduction -- aimed in part at wresting...

While many of the people released early from jail under a new state law were in for misdemeanors, vehicle code violations, and probation violations, there were also some felons and others convicted of serious crimes in the group.

A list of 309 names of...

Proposed and rejected several times in recent years, a surcharge on property insurance policies to help pay for state firefighting and emergency services once again is on the table.

Fire protection's share of the state budget has grown the past several...

The Fresno Police Department said early jail releases are partly to blame for a rise in stolen cars in one Valley neighborhood.

The Fresno Police Chief is trying to work out a deal with the Sheriff to prioritize inmates. It's a way to keep those repeat...

California has plenty of company when it comes to not being able to pay its growing public pension costs, a Washington think tank says in a report to be released Thursday.

Coming up with the money to pay for future obligations is expected to burden state...

The Los Angeles Police Department unveiled a new communication service Wednesday that can notify the public immediately about everything from evacuations to Amber Alerts via text message or e-mail.

Nixle is the first professional-grade mass...

Despite the recession, Los Angeles saw a 10 percent decline in crime at the beginning of this year, but police Chief Charlie Beck warned today that might not last if budget cuts continue to effectively reduce the size of the force.Beck said the city's decision...

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said Wednesday that cuts to the department's overtime would force him to move 350 officers from specialized units to patrol duty around the city.

About 170 officers have already been moved from the Metro, Gang and...

In writing about the city of Los Angeles' growing budget crisis in his Feb. 13 Op-Ed column, Tim Rutten expresses concern for "employees who aren't police officers or firefighters" and the fact that the mayor may choose to lay off many of them in the months...

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck was sworn in for a five-year term in November, succeeding native New Yorker William Bratton, who retired to take a job in the private sector.

Beck, who joined the LAPD in 1977, faces a large budget shortfall amid...

An effort to slash prison costs in California by laying off hundreds of workers who run rehabilitation programs could backfire, resulting in higher recidivism rates and ultimately higher prison costs, critics say.

Over the next several months, prison...

Former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates, who led the department for more than a decade, has been hospitalized with bladder cancer, sources said Tuesday.


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's latest proposals to close California's budget shortfall would end public assistance for most new legal immigrants, eliminating emergency cash, food and medical aid for those who don't yet qualify for federal welfare.


Alameda County's probation chief was named Tuesday to run Los Angeles County's beleaguered Probation Department and is expected to begin April 19.

The appointment of Donald H. Blevins was approved unanimously by the Los Angeles County Board of...

Jobs will continue to drain from Los Angeles County through year's end before the Great Recession finally begins to loosen its grip in 2011, according to an economic forecast released today.

The study by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp....

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa took his budget-balancing campaign to a Silver Lake library on Tuesday, warning that the city is going to have to make cuts that will affect the quality of life for Angelenos.

"I am duty-bound to tell the truth and the truth is...

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department is planning to resume early releases of 80 to 100 jail inmates as soon as Wednesday in response to yet another order from a Sacramento judge over the state's new parole reform law.

The latest order from Judge...

The union that represents sheriff's deputies filed a lawsuit Tuesday to stop the early release of inmates from Orange County jails, the second lawsuit in the state aimed at stopping local releases under a new law.

The union's lawsuit, filed in Orange...

California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown on Tuesday waded into the controversy over a new law that aims to reduce the state prison population by saying it applies to county jail inmates but should not be read as requiring immediate, large-scale reductions of their...

The fury unleashed in Sacramento over the early releases of a couple hundred inmates has set the stage for a more massive but less detectable state prisoner population shift about to unfold.


The $212 million budget shortfall, projected to more than double next year, is attributed mainly to plunging tax revenue blamed on the region's sagging economy, falling property values and a 15 percent jobless rate -- one of the highest of any major U.S. city...

The push by Los Angeles' elected officials to address a growing financial crisis hit a new stage on Friday: open battle.

Just as credit rating agencies want them to work in unison on erasing a $212-million budget shortfall, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and...

More than 1,500 inmates have been released from county jails around California in response to legislation designed to cut the state prison population, prompting an outcry from some law enforcement officials.

More than 300 inmates have been released in...

Blanket strip searches of incoming jail inmates are constitutional and necessary to prevent the smuggling of contraband into the detention centers, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

The decision by a full 11-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court...

With Los Angeles fighting a massive budget deficit, City Controller Wendy Greuel called on City Council members Wednesday to give up $25million in special funds used for pet projects in their districts.

The money has accumulated over the past 12 years...

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