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Los Angeles police commissioners on Tuesday began the process of replacing LAPD Chief William Bratton, saying they want to hold an open selection with extensive public involvement.

"I think we ought to consider holding special Police Commission hearings...

A first-day-of-issue ceremony was held today for a 20-stamp set honoring TV series of the 1950s, with Los Angeles Police Department officials paying special tribute to the stamp commemorating the cop show "Dragnet."

The Early TV Memories stamp set...

The union representing Los Angeles firefighters is posting "danger" signs at firehouses where rescue units are being shut down due to strained city finances.


55 inmates are taken to hospitals after a riot touched off by fighting among Latino and African American prisoners shuts down a 1,300-man unit of the California Institution for Men.

A dormitory burned down and 55 inmates were taken to...

Like any bond measure approved by voters, there was wide skepticism if the city could deliver on its promises with Proposition Q, the $600 million bond measure approved in 2002 to build new police facilities around the city.

As he prepares to depart in...

The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.

The United States Postal...

The day after he stunned the city with word that he would resign as chief of police, William J. Bratton sat in the relative quiet of his office collecting his thoughts. Every minute or two his cellphone buzzed to life, alerting him to yet another call from...

The layoffs tapered off in July and the economy seems poised for recovery.

Except in California.

Wall Street and the White House celebrated a relatively upbeat national unemployment report Friday, marked by lower-than-expected job losses in July...

Los Angeles police arrest Domingo Rodas, 53, Thursday afternoon in connection with the stabbing of four homeless men, two fatally.

It was a shocking rampage that showed the difficulties of policing a major city, even in the midst of a...

Appointing a new police chief will be "the most important decision I make as mayor," Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said Thursday as he indicated that he favors a candidate who would largely continue the policies of departing Chief William J. Bratton...

Echoing the concerns raised by the World Privacy Forum about the City of Los Angeles' proposed plan to start using Google Apps for messaging and collaboration, a group representing the city's police officers wants to make sure sufficient safeguards are in place...

California state and local officials, already reeling from budget cuts and public-safety layoffs, are struggling with a federal order to release about 40,000 inmates to reduce prison overcrowding and bracing for the impact on their communities.


William J. Bratton's announcement Wednesday that he would resign as chief of the Los Angeles Police Department caught Angelenos by surprise, including the mayor and police leaders who suddenly found themselves confronted with the daunting task of replacing one...

Since the LAPD deployed 40 foot officers in the Hollywood and Highland area earlier this year crime has dropped considerably, city officials announced today. An overall reduction in crime has dropped 26% and more specifically, there has been a 21% drop in...

Federal judges call conditions in the prisons 'appalling' and unconstitutional. A reduction plan is due by mid-September.

California must shrink the population of its teeming prisons by nearly 43,000 inmates over the next two years to meet...

It is shocking that in order to save the state money, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other elected officials are contemplating a massive early release of prison inmates, the elimination of parole supervision for released prisoners, and a refusal to return...

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton says he's stepping down after a seven-year tenure in which he instituted major reforms of the once-scandalized police department.

Bratton announced Wednesday he is leaving Oct. 31 with three years left in his...

Cincinnati police could take the biggest hit in layoffs this year to make up for the city's $28 million deficit.

City Manager Milton Dohoney proposes to lay off 138 members of the police department, but he said the number of officers assigned to...

California's prisons are so overcrowded that the state is violating inmates' constitutional rights, three federal judges ruled today in a decision imposing a cap on the prison population that will force the state to release nearly 43,000 prisoners over the next...

The City of Laredo is asking the firefighter and police unions to wait a couple of months for their pay increases.

The City Manager and a council member say the city doesn't have the money to pay the raises, even though they are in both unions' contracts...

Aiming to strengthen their ties with local communities, law enforcement agencies around the country are hosting events tonight to mark National Night Out and inviting residents to join them.

The 26th annual event creates a gathering place for residents...

A parolee accused of killing 17-year-old Lily Burk last month could have been serving a lengthy prison sentence instead of roaming the streets of Los Angeles but for a clerical error that misstated his criminal record, according to interviews and court...

In a victory for the LAPD, a judge throws out a suit filed by the mother of a 19-month-old girl killed by a SWAT officer's bullet during an attempted hostage rescue in 2005.

In a victory for the Los Angeles Police Department, a judge on...

The system's general manager urges 'prudent' repayment in 5 years, not 15. The money would come from employees or the city's general fund.

A high-level Los Angeles pension official has recommended that the city pay off the cost of an...

As police officers and deputies are being laid off across California, the idea is almost breathtaking: Reduce California's prison population by 27,300 inmates, partly by letting some out of the gates.

The plan, part of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's...

The Alameda County Public Defender's Office has begun telling judges it can't represent certain defendants because it lacks enough money and staff members to give them a constitutionally adequate defense.

Public Defender Diane Bellas had warned of this...

It was a scenario U.S. law enforcement had long feared: A fragmentation grenade from Mexico's bloody drug war tossed into a public place.

Only the grenade thrower's bumbling prevented bloodshed in a south Texas bar - he neglected to pull a second safety...

Three suspects were taken into custody and a hostage was rescued in Riverside County Monday as part of an investigation that began four days ago after a kidnapping in the Van Nuys area, authorities said.

SWAT officers and robbery-homicide detectives from...

Gang prevention cop Jeff Norat drives a bunch of sullen teens through the gang-riddled streets of a Los Angeles neighborhood, not because they're in trouble with the law - but so they'll stay out of it.

"These kids are all at risk of joining gangs - look...

A new tool is being used in the war against crime. It's bottled water, and proponents say it can help cooler heads prevail.

At first glance, it may appear to be an unusual method for fighting violent crime on the streets of Los Angeles, but this group of...

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