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Four people are under arrest this morning after a routine stop in South Los Angeles turned into a gun battle with Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies.

No on was hurt in the incident, which prompted officials to search for suspects early this morning...

Maurice Clemmons, the suspect wanted in the slaying of four Lakewood police officers, was shot and killed in South Seattle early this morning by a Seattle police officer making a routine check of a stolen car.

The shooting occurred about the same time as...

The hunt for suspected cop killer Maurice Clemmons has stretched deep into its second day, frustrating police as they chase lead after lead across two counties.

The hunt for suspected cop killer Maurice Clemmons has stretched...

Maurice Clemmons, the 37-year-old man wanted for questioning in the killing of four Lakewood police officers Sunday morning, has a long criminal record punctuated by violence, erratic behavior and concerns about his mental health....

Authorities call the attack an ambush on the officers, who were meeting in a coffee shop before their shift. At least one returned fire and may have injured the lone gunman. No one else was hurt.


"Maybe I'm being a little too altruistic, but that's the way I feel." - Dustin Troyan


In June 2006, Charles Samuel entered a Van Nuys home and beat a man. Prosecutors could have sought a life sentence under the state's three-strikes law, but there was an error on his rap sheet.

Three years before he was charged...

Baca and other California sheriffs say the records would reduce the illicit production of methamphetamine. But civil rights activists fear invasion of residents' privacy.

When you buy cold medicine, Los Angeles County...

The Los Angeles City Council this week approved the extension of a $700,000 federal grant for police video cameras at a South L.A. housing project.

When they went in two years ago, the 10 video cameras perched on polls and...

The dire forecast comes a day after the city's credit rating was downgraded. Finance officials recommend service cuts, department closures and privatization of city property -- but no tax hikes.

Los Angeles could face a $1-...

Today Los Angeles Chief of Police Charlie Beck named his senior leadership team and unveiled his first steps in reorganizing the Police Department to increase efficiency and to improve effectiveness.

Effective January 3, 2010, subject to budgetary review...

Deputy Chief Michel Moore is named an assistant chief and will assume command of Special Services, according to the department. And Assistant Chief Sharon Papa will become a commander.

Less than a week after taking over the Los...

Leaders at the Capitol will have about six months to resolve the new $20.7 billion deficit, and some believe the job will be tougher than the $62 billion budget hole they plugged earlier this year.

The difficulty is multilayered: Many of the easier cuts...

LAPD's new chief, Charlie Beck, was installed with a heavy dose of revisionist history that may not bode well for the future.

Last Tuesday, Charlie Beck was sworn in as the 55th chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. As...

For a moment two years ago, Los Angeles officials thought they knew how many marijuana dispensaries the city had: 186. That's how many registered to operate under the city's moratorium. The city quickly lost control, and the number soared: 500, 600, 800, now...

CalPERS is delaying a contribution rate hike for local governments and schools a year, pushing back the impact of huge investment losses in the stock market crash last year.

The change puts even more distance between the historic crash and the higher...

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union the represents rank-and-file members of the Los Angeles Police Department, on Friday issued a statement calling Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's...

Pay for California's top elected officials will be slashed by 18 percent next month, one year earlier than expected, to abide by an opinion issued Thursday from Attorney General Jerry Brown.

Just in time for the holiday season, lawmakers will have their...

Los Angeles County saw an overall 4% drop in hate crimes last year, while crimes against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people increased, prompted in part by last November's highly charged Proposition 8 initiative, the voter-approved ban on same-...

A private task force of prominent local business leaders formed by San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders is recommending the city file for bankruptcy unless it undergoes a series of urgent and drastic fiscal reforms, according to a draft of the group's report.


Two schools, led by strong personalities, were supposed to collaborate on a curriculum. When the process collapsed, one of them won a bid to run the program and the other plans to appeal.

A city-sponsored training academy for...

A member of one of Los Angeles' oldest and most notorious street gangs was sentenced today to 82 years to life in prison for the murder of a 14-year-old girl and the attempted murder of a second victim.

Eduardo Ruiz, 18, a member of the Avenues gang, was...

The "BMW bandits," a group of professional thieves who have been stealing air bags and headlights for luxury cars on the Westside and in the Mid-Wilshire area, appear to be spreading to the San Fernando Valley.

In recent months, about 54 BMWs on the...

Last-minute objections from Assemblyman Jared Huffman and Sen. Mark Leno have prompted state Treasurer Bill Lockyer to put on hold plans for issuing bonds to pay for the expansion of death row at San Quentin State Prison.

"I think there is a very good...

In a small ceremony held in front of the Police Memorial at the new Police Administration Building, Commander Paul Gillen was...

One day after being sworn in as the Los Angeles Police Department's new chief, Charlie Beck on Wednesday urged his command staff to continue making community policing and openness top priorities, alongside crime reduction.

At his first staff meeting...

Greeted by 250 saluting officers, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck on Thursday led a formal inspection of the Devonshire Division and addressed sworn staff in his first major appearance in the San Fernando Valley since becoming chief. Saying he expects officers to be "...

Earlier this week, the Los Angeles City Council confirmed LAPD Deputy Chief Charlie Beck as the new chief of police. The mayor chose him from a group of highly qualified candidates selected by the Los Angeles Police Commission.

Beck has big shoes to fill...

strong>The legislative budget analyst's projection, to be released Wednesday, threatens to send Sacramento back into gridlock and force more broad cuts to state programs.

Reporting from Sacramento - Less than four months after California...

Recent week had less crime than any week in four years.

The second week of November marked the lowest reported crime week in downtown in the past four years, according to statistics compiled by LAPD Central Division.


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