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The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office on Tuesday launched a 24-hour tip line for local residents to report dogfighting.


One councilman calls the hearing before their vote a 'love fest.' But some warn that the council and chief will soon be butting heads over increasing the size of the police force.

Los Angeles City Council members Tuesday...

Police on Tuesday released a composite drawing of a portly man who tried to kidnap a 13-year-old girl as she was walking home...

The Los Angeles City Council today appointed Charlie Beck as the city's new police chief.


Two Los Angeles City Council committees rejected the advice of the city attorney and voted Monday to approve an ordinance that allows marijuana dispensaries to continue to sell the drug to people with a doctor's recommendation.

The city attorney's office...

Pit bull puppies rescued as a result of a massive multistate raid on...

The Los Angeles Police Department is among police agencies in the Southland and statewide getting a slice of more than $3 million in traffic-safety grants intended for "Click It Or Ticket" enforcement efforts, the California Office of Traffic Safety announced...

A former aerospace worker has been found guilty of first-degree murder and carjacking in connection with the death of an airport police officer at Los Angeles International Airport in April 2005.

Jurors returned the verdict against 51-year-old William...

Chief-designate Charlie Beck has been with the LAPD more than 30 years -- and learned from what he calls the department's 'dark days.' He hopes his ideas will infiltrate the very fiber of his officers.

In 1974, Charlie Beck...

Ford Motor Co. confirmed Friday that it is developing a new police interceptor to replace the venerable Ford Crown Victoria when production of that model ends in 2011.

As The Detroit News first reported in August, the new vehicle -- dubbed the Ford...

By now, everyone knows the rule: While driving, it's a big no-no to hold up a cell phone to your ear and chat away the commute.

That no-no got a lot more expensive since California implemented a hands-free law in July 2008. In the following months,...

Los Angeles police investigators are trying to piece together how a highly determined attacker eluded officers watching a Mid-City apartment and managed to kill a woman who had just filed a domestic violence complaint.

Wilshire Division officers who...

Advocates of overhauling California's troubled pension system for public employees couldn't have chosen a more providential moment to launch their reform campaign.

The huge California Public Employees' Retirement System is in deep financial doo-doo,...

LAPD Chief designate Charlie Beck points out some of the badges belonging to...

The LAPD asks the public for help in finding a man who allegedly raped, stabbed and beat his girlfriend on Halloween, pouring acid on her face and body to 'teach her a lesson.'


Given the state moratorium on executions and an appeals process that can last for decades, inmates can expect to live a long time, and with privileges other prisoners lack.

White supremacist gang hit man Billy Joe Johnson got...

An ordinance aimed at regulating medical marijuana in Los Angeles will be discussed Monday at a joint session of the City Council's Public Safety and Planning and Land Use committees.Medical marijuana collectives would be allowed to grow pot only for members...

A Burlingame man with eight DUIs still had a valid driver's license when he got his ninth in January because he apparently never hurt or killed anyone and many of his previous convictions were outside a 10-year cutoff period used by the Department of Motor...

The chief of the Burbank Police Department announced Monday that he is stepping down, a month after the FBI revealed it was investigating several current and former officers at the agency.

Tim Stehr, 51, who became chief in 2007, made his announcement in...

One of the most important tools in computer forensics and law enforcement was compromised, uploaded to bit torrents and is now widely available on the Internet.

Microsoft's COFEE law-enforcement forensic tool has leaked on the Internet. Someone uploaded...

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today predicted a new round of budget cuts, as the state's finances remain shaky despite large spending reductions made by the governor and lawmakers in July.

Schwarzenegger, at a news conference today and at the Fresno Bee's...

The city of Los Angeles has already offered a reward for the outstanding suspect in the case of a murdered 4-month-old infant. Now, the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is putting up a reward as well.

The ATF and the LAPD are working together...

Charlie Beck, chief-designate of the Los Angeles Police Department, visited with reporters, editors and members of The Times' editorial board Wednesday, the day after Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced his nomination of Beck as the next LAPD chief. In some...

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Police Department graduated 42 new officers this morning, and minutes later the next crop of future graduates had their badge ceremony - a step that takes place one month before finishing the six-month academy.


DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Police Department graduated 42 new officers at a morning ceremony in Elysian Park today.

Former Chief William Bratton made it a mission to diversify the force when he took charge in 2002. During his tenure and...

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES - Significant attention has been focused on the Los Angeles Police Department in recent weeks. This makes sense, considering the Oct. 24 opening of the new $440 million headquarters building in Downtown, the Oct. 31 departure of Police...

In his third town hall meeting in as many nights, Los Angeles Police Department chief designee Charlie Beck established some distance between himself and his mentor, former Chief Bill Bratton.Beck, responding to a question Thursday night at El Sereno Senior...


STUDY: Total is nearly twice that of last period; Trutanich changes tactics.

The city of Los Angeles shelled out $137 million over the past two years for legal costs - nearly two times more than the previous two-year period and...

Easily clearing the first hurdle toward his appointment, a City Council panel recommended Monday that Deputy Chief Charlie Beck be confirmed as Los Angeles' 55th chief of police.


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