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Police Chief William J. Bratton bid farewell Wednesday to the city and the members of the LAPD, saying he had "saved my best for last" as he prepares to end his 39-year police career.

Officers lined the hallways of the new Police Administration Building...

All three men named by the Police Commission -- First Assistant Chief Jim McDonnell, Deputy Chief Michel Moore, Deputy Chief Charlie Beck -- are good choices to succeed William J. Bratton.

The Los Angeles Police Commission has completed its work and...

The Los Angeles Police Commission forwarded to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Tuesday the names of three finalists to become the next police chief -- a list that contained no women or minorities, but sparked little initial criticism.


The Los Angeles Police Commission went behind closed doors this morning and intends to emerge sometime this afternoon after winnowing the list of aspiring L.A. police chiefs down to three finalists.

The five-person civilian panel that oversees the LAPD...

The outgoing chief of police urges the department to keep focusing on community outreach.

On March 12, Juan Garcia, a 53-year-old homeless man, was brutally murdered in an alley off 9th and Alvarado streets in the Westlake...

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously today to outsource its e-mail system to Google Inc., making it the largest city in the nation to make the move and handing the Web search giant a major victory in its quest to become a software provider to the...

As the field narrows to three finalists, outgoing leader says he expects an LAPD insider to get the job.


California officials say a drop in the number of minimum-security inmates is allowing them to end contracts with the companies that operate three private prisons.

The move will save the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation about $15 million a...

SEARCH: Two women, an Asian and two Latinos are among the final 13 candidates for the position.

Will Los Angeles get its first woman police chief in history? Or will the city celebrate its first Latino chief? Or will the...

LAPD: Panel's recommendations will go to mayor, who is expected to make a choice by Monday.

The field of candidates to head the LAPD will be narrowed today from 13 to three, setting the stage for Mayor Antonio...

The city of Los Angeles is in the final process of selecting a new police chief to succeed William Bratton, who steps down on October 31. Many of us who serve at the lower ranks of the LAPD are understandably a bit on edge as we await the announcement, as we...

The Los Angeles Police Department has been handed the keys to its new headquarters.

Outgoing Chief William J. Bratton dedicated the gleaming 10-story, $437 million downtown structure at a ceremony Saturday attended by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and other...

After reaching an agreement with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa over this year's level of police hiring, the Los Angeles City Council on Friday adopted a plan to get regular updates on the Los Angeles Police Department's spending and attrition rates.


The panel threatens to impose its own plan if the state does not submit an acceptable one within three weeks.

Three federal judges on Wednesday forcefully rejected a Schwarzenegger administration proposal to ease prison...

More than 1,100 FBI agents and police officers spread out through South Los Angeles, banging on doors before dawn Thursday in a crackdown against a gang implicated in drug dealing and violent crime, authorities said.

"They have a vise grip on the...

The Los Angeles Police Commission today completed two days of interviews with candidates vying to be the next LAPD chief. Officials hope to select three finalists by Tuesday.

The commission, a civilian panel that oversees the Los Angeles Police...

After the release of a number of photographs by the Los Angeles Police Protective League that showed some confidential police personnel records were being stored without adequate safeguards, a councilmantoday demanded an audit of personnel record-keeping...

A Los Angeles City Council panel declined Monday to take a vote on a proposed contract with Google Inc. to replace the city's e-mail system, passing the decision on to the full council amid unresolved concerns about the cost and necessity of the contract.


City officials Wednesday began interviewing the 13 semi-finalists to replace outgoing police Chief William Bratton, a group that is mostly coming from within the Los Angeles Police Department's top insider ranks.

The closed-door interviews by the...

As the Los Angeles Police Commission meets today to begin interviews with candidates vying to become LAPD's next chief, four department insiders who were early favorites remain leading contenders, according to city, community and law enforcement leaders...

For the first time in years, racial politics need not play a big role in choosing who will lead the LAPD.

In politicized, ethnically diverse Los Angeles, it is naive to assume that any major public policy decision is made...

Officers in the Los Angeles Police Department have voted to ratify a new two-year contract, the police union said today.

The agreement keeps the city from forcing officers to take furloughs in the middle of a severe budget crisis but also provides no...

Los Angeles Daily News reporter Rick Orlov wrote yesterday that the Los Angeles Police Commission is now searching "in earnest" for LAPD chief Bill Bratton's replacement.


Whoever takes over the department inherits an improved force -- but also much higher expectations from the public.

Departing Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton bestows on his successor a blessing and a curse. The Bratton-era...

The search for a successor to Police Chief Bill Bratton begins in earnest this week, with the Los Angeles Police Commission conducting interviews for those making the first cut from the city Personnel Department.

There are at least six candidates who...

The first wave of prisoners released early under Gov. Bill Ritter's plan to save the state millions has exposed the limited potential of this program, as well as its risks.

The first 10 inmates paroled include some unsavory characters, including violent...

Note to readers: In this series of editorials, The Times examines the Los Angeles Police Department's record and the implications for the selection of a new chief. We invite you to write to us with your thoughts on today's LAPD, your...

William J. Bratton, who will step down two weeks from today, deserves to go down in history alongside William H. Parker as a reforming Los Angeles police chief whose administration marked a decisive and consequential break with the past.

Parker's reforms...

Manager Veronica Garcia shows the ammo on display at the Cold War Shooters store on...

Gina Tatum spends her days in a compound surrounded by electrified fence in the sun-baked heart of the Central Valley, hoping to change her life.

She will soon turn 50, and after two decades in and out of prison, she says she is tired of victimizing...

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